BTR-60 - Wikipedia
It was, however, quickly replaced by the BTR-60PB, which had a better sighting system for the machine guns. BTR-60 was a revolutionary design for its time. [1][10] It had a non-standard layout for an APC; the crew compartment was in the front, the troop compartment in the middle and the engine compartment in the rear. [1] .
BTR-60 APC (1960) - tank-afv.com
The BTR-60 was amphibious, propelled by a water jet protected on land by opening lids. A trim vane was erected at the front when fording. Alongside the troop compartment, there were two pintle mounts to accommodate extra 7.62 mm PKT/SGMB/PKB machine guns with 3,000 rounds in …
BTR-60PB - Weaponsystems.net
The BTR-60PB is an armored personnel carrier of Soviet origin. It was developed in the 1960's as a more capable armored personnel carrier than the earlier BTR-60P. The BTR-60PB was the most common variant of the BTR-60 series of vehicles. Estimates indicate that over half of the 25.000 vehicles produced were of the BTR-60PB variant.
BTR-60 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BTR-60 是一款 苏联 八轮军用 装甲输送车,于20世纪50年代开发,由 高尔基汽车厂 制造,1959年开始投入使用。 车重10.3吨,长7.56米,宽2.83米,高2.31米,驾驶员3人,载人14人,装有 KPV重机枪 和 PK通用机枪。 保加利亚承诺向乌克兰捐赠100辆装甲运兵车,作为对抗俄罗斯军队的军事援助,2024年3月5日正在诺维伊斯卡尔火车站装载。 [13] ^ 跳转到: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Pancerni 1 互联网档案馆 的 存檔,存档日期2 October 2011.. Pancerni.abajt.pl. Retrieved …
无炮塔的BTR-60P采用2人车组,可以运载16名全副武装的士兵,驾驶员和车长从各自所在一侧的舱门出入,正面有防弹玻璃制成的挡风玻璃,外部还有可升起的防护钢板,当它盖上时,驾驶员和车长可以通过潜望镜观察路面情况。 早期只在车头安装大灯,不具备夜视能力,后期增加了这一功能。 有顶部装甲板的型号额外增加一名炮手,他负责操作炮塔内机枪,乘员舱尺寸缩小后,最多可以运载14名全副武装的士兵。 士兵的出入口设置在车体顶部,意味着士兵们无论出入都需要 …
BTR-60 8x8 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) - Military Factory
2022年3月7日 · The armored 8x8 wheeled BTR-60 of 1960 was developed as a direct replacement for the 6x6 wheeled BTR-152 series Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) of 1950. The BTR-60 was a major improvement of the previous offering along many fronts, quite revolutionary in fact, and provided the Soviet military with a very capable and highly potent off-road ...
美帝军事封锁下的无奈之举——古巴BTR-60PB轮式突击炮 - 哔哩 …
在火力配置上,btr-60pb换装了t-55同款d-10t2c型100mm线膛炮,炮身加装了炮口制退器,可发射3bm-8脱壳穿甲弹、zbk-5m尾翼稳定破甲弹及其它弹种。 辅助武器为一挺7.62mm的PKT并列机枪,还有一挺12.7mm的DshK重机枪。
BTR-60轮式装甲输送车 - 百度百科
升级后的BTR-60PBM进行了多处改进,包括安装了与新型BTR-80系列8×8装甲输送车相同的完整的动力传动装置以及相应的 变速箱 和 传动轴。 动力传动装置包括一台KamAZ-7403 V-8 涡轮增压 柴油发动机,功率为260马力,最大行驶速度达到了100千米/小时,行程为600千米。 安装了新型发动机后,不仅提升了BTR-60PBM装甲车的速度和行程,换装的 柴油发动机 极大地改善了车辆燃油的通用性 (当今所有新型装甲战车均采用柴油发动机作为动力)。 其原有的炮塔被BTR-80标 …
БТР-60轮式装甲人员输送车 - 百度百科
БТР-60П为基型车,于1961年装备,用以代替БТР-152(6×6)装甲人员输送车。 该车无装甲顶盖,车体为敞开式结构,1963年改进成БТР-60ПА。 1965年初,又在БТР-60ПА的基础上改进为БТР-60ПБ,并于1966年装备在摩托化步兵师属摩托化步兵团,尔后又装备于苏联海军陆战队。 它是БТР-60系列装备数量最多的一种。 该车有БТР-60ПУ指挥车和БТР-60ПБ前进对空联络车等多种变型,还在许多国家装备使用 [1]。 БТР-60П的车体是船形结构,由装甲板焊接而成,前部为 …
BTR-60PB APC - Army Recognition
2024年11月12日 · The BTR-60PB is an 8x8 armored personnel carrier (APC) engineered by the Soviets that was developed in the late 1950s as the successor to the BTR-152 6x6 APC. Introduced in 1961, the BTR-60 series held a significant position in the Soviet Army and is still employed by numerous countries globally.
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