Bandvagn 202 - Wikipedia
Bandvagn 202 (Bv 202) is an amphibious oversnow tracked articulated, all-terrain vehicle developed by Bolinder-Munktell, a subsidiary of Volvo, for the Swedish Army in the early 1960s. The vehicle is formed by two rubber Kegresse track units with a multi-directional pivot in between.
1978 Volvo BV202 - MILWEB
Volvo 202 is a tracked articulated, all-terrain vehicle developed by Volvo BM, a subsidiary of Volvo, for the Swedish Army. The vehicle is formed of two rubber Kegresse track units with a multi-directional pivot in between.
2023年1月4日 · bv 202 空重3.2吨,有效载荷1吨,全车长6.18米,宽1.76米,高2.21米,相对小巧,比一辆大型suv稍微大一点。 陆上最大速度39km/h,水上最大速度6.5km/h,陆上最大行程200km。
BV 202履带式雪地车 - 百度百科
瑞典的BV202履带式雪地车,截止80年代初已生产约5000辆,除装备本国军队外,还装备了 荷兰 、土耳其等国家。 美国在80年代初有5辆LMC 1450履带式雪地车列装了 海军陆战队,有4辆能在雪地拖拉或牵引多种扫雪工具的LMC3700履带式雪地车已列装空军。 [1] 雪地车,有时也称全地形军用输送车,是一种在雪地、山地、沼泽地、水淹地、泥泞地或沙漠地执行任务的履带式后勤保障车辆。 在北极边缘积雪区、山地或其他特种地带, 气候 寒冷、环境生疏、 士兵 穿着笨重、行 …
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BMV BV202 12-xxxx•
BV is equipped with one heater. Without the heater the engine safely starts at temperatures down to —260 C if the right engine oil is being used and eve— rything else is O. K. Foryet lower temperatures the heater is being used. 5. The engine in the BV 202 is basically the same one as used in the cars by Volvo the B 20 engine.
1978 Volvo Bandvagn 202 - Bring a Trailer
2019年4月5日 · This 1978 Volvo Bandvagn 202 is an articulated amphibious off-road vehicle built by Volvo subsidiary Bolinder-Munktell. Power is sent from a 2.0-liter Volvo B20B inline-four to the tracks of both the front and rear units through a 4-speed …
Bandvagn 202 - Military Wiki | Fandom
Bandvagn 202 (Bv 202) is a tracked articulated, all-terrain vehicle developed by Volvo BM, a subsidiary of Volvo, for the Swedish Army. The vehicle is formed of two rubber Kegresse track units with a multi-directional pivot in between.
Bolinder-Munktell Bandvagn 202 (Bv 202) - Military Factory
2019年2月13日 · The Bandvagn Bv 202 was a special military transport vehicle developed by Swedish-based Bolinder-Munktell (est. 1932) to a Swedish Army requirement calling for an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) with a troop-carrying capability. The series went into production during 1964 and this continued into 1981.
BV 202A /T - Kalixlinjens museum
Bandvagn 202 (Bv 202) är ett bandgående terrängfordon med en midjestyrd design som ger det en enastående framkomlighet i svår terräng. Fordonet består av två permanent sammankopplade vagnar, där motor och växellåda är placerade i den främre vagnen. Alla fyra banden drivs genom en kardanaxel från den främre vagnen till den bakre vagnen.
The Volvo BM 202 Tracked Vehicle is designed to provide efficient trans- port over snow, water, marshy ground, desert sand — in fact, anywhere other vehicles can't go. Its versatility enables it to operate in all climates and all parts of the world where high demands are made on safe, reliable transport. vorxro BM VOLVO BM AB ESKILSTUNA SWEDEN