Bandvagn 206 - Wikipedia
Bandvagn 206 (bv 206) (meaning "Tracked Vehicle 206" in English) is a tracked articulated, all-terrain carrier initially developed and manufactured by the Swedish company Hägglund & Söner, and subsequently by BAE Systems Hägglunds, for the Swedish Army. It consists of two units, with all four tracks powered.
Bv 206 S - Army Guide
The Bv 206 S is essentially an armoured version of the Bv 206 all-terrain vehicle, originally developed to meet the requirements of the Swedish Army and fully described in Jane's Military Vehicles and Logistics.
Bv206S Tracked Armoured Personnel Carrier - Army Technology
2004年2月12日 · The Bv206S is an armoured personnel carrier version of the tracked articulated all-terrain vehicle, Bv206, of which 11,000 have been produced and are operational in over 40 countries worldwide. The vehicle can carry 12 combat-equipped soldiers through difficult terrain and extreme weather conditions.
2023年1月5日 · 这两家公司要研制出一种“能载重2吨或运送17名全副武装的士兵的运输车”,其越野机动性要优于Bv202运输车。 Bv206型全地形运输车. 1976~1981年间,这两家公司先后生产出不同规格的57辆样车,进行了广泛的性能试验和环境适应性试验,取得了较满意的结果。 1980 年,瑞典陆军同这两家公司签定了第一笔8亿瑞典克朗的供货合同,要求这两家公司从1981年起以每月100辆的速度生产Bv206型全地形运输车。 Bv206 的后车底盘. 1981年4月,第一批Bv206 …
BV 206, front and rear view The front car contains the engine, transmission, transfer gearbox, brake and steering systems. The front car excluding the driver will take four passengers and the rear car will take up to ten passengers.
BW – Bv 206 S SanTrp | TANK-MASTERS – Photos & Journalism
The Bv 206 S is a two-piece tracked vehicle whose front and rear tracked units are connected by a complex steering unit. The hydraulically controlled steering unit enables movement of the two tracked units in a horizontal level to steer the vehicle, and in a vertical level for adaptation to possible terrain variations.
Bandvagn 206 - photobw.info
Der BV 206 S ist die gepanzerte Version des Geländetransporters BV 206 D. Das Fahrzeuggehäuse ist aus Stahl mit eingefügten Panzerglasscheiben. Damit wird ein wirksamer Schutz gegen Beschuss aus Handfeuerwaffen (Kaliber 7,62 Millimeter) und gegen Explosionssplitter erzielt. Zehn Soldaten können mit dem BV 206 S transportiert werden.
Ausrüstung und Technik: Das BV 206 S Hägglunds - Bundeswehr
Das BV 206 S Hägglunds wird bei der Fallschirmjägertruppe und der Gebirgsjägertruppe des Heeres sowie im Sanitätsdienst eingesetzt. Das Transportfahrzeug ermöglicht Einsätze bei …
Bandvagn 206 - Warrior Lodge
Bandvagn 206 (Bv 206) is a tracked articulated, all-terrain carrier developed by Hägglunds (now part of BAE Systems Global Combat Systems) for the Swedish Army. It consists of two units, with all four tracks powered. It can carry up to 17 people (6 in the front compartment, 11 in the rear), and the trailer unit can be
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