List of BMP-1 variants - Wikipedia
BWP-1 "Puma RCWS-30" – It is a Polish modernization of the BWP-1 with all the improvements from the BWP-1M except the 81 mm shrapnel grenade launchers. It is fitted with the Israeli Samson RCWS -30 remote controlled weapons station.
Puma (bojowy wóz piechoty) – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Puma – niemiecki bojowy wóz piechoty, mający zastąpić w Bundeswehrze pojazdy Marder 1. Zamówiono 350 sztuk; od kwietnia 2015 roku dostarczane są pierwsze egzemplarze seryjne pojazdu.
Introducing the BWP-1M Puma - Armored Warfare
2016年2月24日 · One of the vehicles coming in Update 0.13 will be the Polish BWP-1M Puma. This Tier 4 Armored Fighting Vehicle is an upgraded version of the BWP-1. The BWP-1 IFV (BWP stands for “bojowy wóz piechoty” – literally “infantry fighting vehicle”) is a license-produced version of the original Soviet BMP-1.
BWP-1 "Puma E-8" Archives - Romania Military
Etichetă: BWP-1 „Puma E-8” MLI-84 M2, posibilitati de modernizare suplimentara MLI-84M Desi MLI-84 este un produs relativ invechit, derivat al BMP-1, aducerea la standardul M arata ca aceasta platforma este inca utila, in diverse roluri si cu diverse modernizari si adaptari.Daca intr-un articol anterior, “MLI-ul romanesc dupa MLI-84M ...
BWP-1 (Bojowy Woz Piechoty-1) Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV)
2022年4月13日 · The BWP-1M "Puma-1" designation covers a localized Polish modernization of the BWP-1 which enhances crew and systems protection, creature comforts, adds night vision for the driver, modern Nuclear-Biological-Chemical (NBC) protection suite, updated navigation suite, and improved engine function.
BWP-1M Puma - Official Armored Warfare Wiki
The BWP-1M Puma is a Tier 4 premium Armored Fighting Vehicle under Zhang Feng 's dealership. Between, 1973 and 1988, Poland obtained 1297 license-produced BMP-1 IFVs from Czechoslovakia under the designation BWP-1.
小国装备志——BWP-1步兵战车 - 百家号
2024年8月3日 · BWP-1“Puma RCWS-30”是增加了30毫米武装的以色列Samson RCWS-30远程武器站(RWS)。 此外,BWP-1“Puma MW-30”有一个30毫米Bushmaster II Mk.44武装MW-30系列炮塔,配有7.62毫米UKM-2000C反步兵机枪和6个烟雾榴弹发射器。
BWP-1 (Bojowy Woz Piechoty-1) - Military Equipment Guide With …
The BWP-1M "Puma-1" designation covers the Polish localized modernization of the BWP-1 with improved crew and system protection, increased creature comfort, increased driver night vision, and modern nuclear Biochemical (ABC) protection …
美洲狮步兵战车 - 百度百科
“美洲狮”的主武器是一门30毫米MK30-2/ABM机炮,射速200发/分钟,有效射程3千米,配备尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹和多用途编程引信空爆弹。 辅助武器是一挺5.56毫米机枪和一具可携带2枚导弹的“长钉”LR导弹发射架。 车体后方还设置有6发76毫米榴弹发射器,用于近身防御。 [5] 美洲狮步兵战车最早于1983年启动研制,先按轻型履带装甲车族设计 [3],几经推迟改变计划。 2002年重新开始研制可空运的步兵战车,2005年12月20日首台样车下线,2012至2013年量产型战车进行测 …
Présentation du BWP-1M Puma - Armored Warfare
Un des véhicules qui sera introduit dans la mise à jour 0.13 est le BWP-1M Puma polonais. Ce véhicule de combat blindé de rang 4 est une version améliorée du BWP-1. Le BWP-1 ("bojowy wóz piechoty » ou “véhicule de combat d'infanterie”) est une version fabriquée sous licence du BMP-1 soviétique original.