Electric Cars, Sedans and SUVs I BYD USA
BYD has developed blade battery, electronic platform 3.0 and dual-mode hybrid technology for electric cars, giving full play to the advantages of intelligence, efficiency, safety and beauty brought by electrification to electric cars.
Yuanhang H8 pure electric SUV enters market with 950 km range
2023年12月29日 · On December 28, Dayun Group’s Yuanhang Auto launched its H8 all-electric six-seater SUV. A total of five models were launched with a price range of 349,800 – 559,800 yuan (49,200 – 78,800 USD), available in rear-wheel drive and four-wheel drive. The H8 is the second model launched by Yuanhang after the Y6 all-electric sedan.
Dayun Yuanhang’s all-electric Y6 sedan and H8 SUV with up to …
2023年7月21日 · Yuanhang H8 is positioned as a medium-to-large SUV, measuring 5230/2015/1760mm, and the wheelbase is 3126mm. Its pre-sale price starts from 349,800 …
BYD Yangwang U8 2024: Price, Specs, Availability | WIRED
2024年4月19日 · Meet the tank-turning, 4-ton Yangwang U8 from BYD. It’s the world’s most powerful SUV—and yes, it floats on water. What do you get when you cross a Land Rover …
曲率达R800的12.8英寸OLED柔性曲面屏与内饰完美贴合,呈现前所未有的融合之感。 全球甄选皮源,历经鞣制、复鞣、涂饰等78道工序,触感像肌肤般有着呼吸的张力,由内向外绽放天然质感。 手感柔软的同时,廓形硬挺,呈现硬派越野的独特气质。 星环座舱化身移动音乐厅。 坐拥127色氛围灯,贴合呼吸节奏,搭配星空天窗,宛如大自然的脉搏,于星河之中交相辉映,在旅程途中尽享流光盛筵。 关门时,车门轻靠自动吸合;下车时,轻按开关车门自动打开。 全车车门及后尾 …
Hong Kong,China - BYD
BYD Launched the U8 Premium Edition Under Its High-End Sub …
BYD, the world’s leading manufacturer of new energy vehicles and power battery, today officially launched the U8 Premium Edition under its high-end sub-brand, Yangwang, priced at 1,098,000 RMB, and announced that its delivery will start in October this year.
比亚迪 (BYD)集团
比亚迪 (BYD)集团始终坚持“技术为王,创新为本”的发展理念,业务布局涵盖汽车、电池、电子、新能源和轨道交通等领域,从能源的获取、存储,再到应用,全方位构建零排放的新能源整体解决方案。
BYD比亞迪電動車│U9/U8/新型號全線規格售價一覽 七人車30萬有 …
BYD Sealion 7 是一款融合先進技術與精緻設計的電動 SUV,以高效性能和環保理念為核心,專為家庭與個人用戶打造。 作為比亞迪最新的純電動車型,Sealion 7 擁有動感外觀,流線型車身設計搭配獅子形象的前臉,展現獨特的視覺吸引力。