Auto Elettriche, Berline e SUV I BYD Italia
Scopri i modelli elettrici e ibridi BYD più innovativi del mercato. Con oltre 30 anni di esperienza. Richiedi informazioni e trova il concessionario più vicino.
BYD Company - Wikipedia
BYD Electronic (International) Company Limited or simply BYD Electronics manufactures handset components and assembles mobile phones for its customers as an OEM or ODM. Created as a subsidiary of BYD in 2002, it issued an IPO on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2007 having been incorporated in Hong Kong on 14 June 2007.
Promozioni e offerte per modelli elettrici e ibridi | BYD Italia
Il Super ibrido da 1.125km* di autonomia. Il nostro SUV adatto a famiglie, comodo e spazioso. Il Super ibrido da 1.125km* di autonomia. * Note: Le emissioni di CO2 combinate sono pari a 20.5g/km per Seal U DM-i Boost e 26g/km per Seal U DM-i Design.
BYD SEAL - Reattiva e smart | Berlina elettrica | BYD Italia
Ecco l'incredibile BYD SEAL: la berlina elettrica saloon vincitrice dell'iF Design Award. Un capolavoro di design, sportivitá e stile grazie anche al caratteristico frontale a X.
What is BYD, the world’s hottest car company ... - CNN International
2 天之前 · What is BYD? Founded in 1995 by Wang Chuanfu in China’s megacity of Shenzhen, BYD is the country’s No 1 automaker. It exports its electric taxis, buses and other vehicles to markets across ...
DiLink - 比亚迪汽车工业有限公司
比亚迪DiLink是比亚迪基于移动互联、智能AI、语音识别、车联网、大数据等最新技术和用户洞察,通过软、硬件创新,完全独立自主研发的智能网联系统,旨在通过构建开放性智能汽车平台,全面连接人-车-生活-社会。 - Di-平台. - Di-UI. - Di-生态. - Di-云. - Di-开放. 构建开放的智能汽车平台,资源互助、开放共赢,为广大开发者提供更为宽广的创意生长平台,Di开放只为和开发者一起构建更为繁荣的车内生态,领跑智慧汽车生态开放。 ∝ 车应用开放平台. ∝ 自动驾驶线控平台. ∝ …
BYD's Sealion 05 EV is an electric SUV that's cheaper than it looks
3 天之前 · BYD’s new Sealion 05 EV is finally here, and it’s even better than expected. The mass-market electric SUV is loaded with BYD’s “God’s Eye” smart driving tech, has up to 323 miles of ...
比亚迪IT - 比亚迪IT公司 - 比亚迪IT竞品公司信息 - 爱企查
比亚迪股份有限公司(股票代码:1211.HK),创立于1995年,2002年7月31日在香港主板发行上市,公司总部位于中国广东深圳,是一家拥有IT,汽车及新能源三大产业群的高新技术民营企业。 比亚迪在广东、北京、陕西、上海、天津等地共建有九大生产基地,总面积将近700万平方米,并在美国、欧洲、日本、韩国、印度等国和中国台湾、香港地区设有分公司或办事处,现员工总数将近20万人。 公司IT产业主要包括二次充电电池、充电器、电声产品、连接器、液晶显示屏模 …
BYD thinks it can make more money than Toyota - Electrek
1 天前 · BYD has its sights set on Toyota. The world’s largest EV maker believes that once it reaches Toyota’s scale, it will make more money per vehicle. This year alone, BYD expects overseas sales to ...