Baatezu - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Baatezu (sing & pl[1][2]; pronounced: /beɪˈɑːtɛzuː/ bay-AT-eh-zoo[3][4] or: /ˈbɑːtɛzʌ/ BAH-teh-zu[5]) were the dominant race of devils in the Nine Hells, once evil mortals whose souls, due …
Devil (Dungeons & Dragons) - Wikipedia
A devil, also referred to as a baatezu, is a group of fictional creatures in the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) roleplaying game typically presented as formidable opponents for advanced players. …
巴特祖贵族The Batezu Nobility | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
The baatezu nobility is a class of devils ranking between pit fiends and lords. They serve in the courts of the lords and spend most of their time politicking within and among the courts. …
九狱诸领主The Lords of the Nine | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
巴托第九层 奈瑟斯 的地狱公主、欲魔女王。 她是 阿斯摩蒂尔斯 与 毕索泽雅 之女、 玛门 的前配偶, 鬼婆女伯爵 封神失败大暴死后成为 玛尔博吉 新任大公. 烙印之王,曾是侍奉 柯瑞隆 的 …
马蒂诺特Martinet | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
巴特祖贵族baatezu nobility 是介于深狱炼魔与领主之间的魔鬼阶级。 祂们在领主们的宫廷中任职,并将自己的大把的时间挥掷在宫中进行内部的政治活动。
【第二期】龙与地下城全怪物百科(B-1) - 知乎专栏
巴特祖 (Baatezu)】 综述: 巴特祖是九层地狱的主要居民,它们强大而性情邪恶,被一个强大的组织所联合起来。巴特祖遵循森严的等级制度,每个成员的权利都由其力量和位阶决定。巴 …
Baatezu | Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki | Fandom
Baatezu are native to the plane of Baator, also known as Hell, where they serve as the primary inhabitants and rulers. They are led by powerful and ancient baatezu lords, such as …
Baatezu (MM) - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
The baatezu are the primary inhabitants of the Nine Hells. They are a strong, evil tempered race held together by an equally strong organization. The baatezu live in a rigid caste system where …
Baatezu - Officialbestiary Wiki | Fandom
Baatezu were a category of devils inhabiting the Nine Hells of Baator. Like all other devils, they were ruled by the Archdevils, or Lords of the Nine. Some baatezu stayed on the Fugue Plane …
Category:Baatezu - Forgotten Realms Wiki
As a ghost, when manifested she appeared as a frenetic woman with ash-colored hair and matching robes, with glowing red eyes. She was unable to move, but was able use a …