Nine Hells | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
The Nine Hells of Baator, sometimes shortened to Hell or Hells, and named Baator[21] (pronounced: /beɪˈɑːtɔːr/ bay-AH-tor[22]) in Infernal, was the home of the devils and the plane that embodied lawful evil.[23]
巴托地狱 - 百度百科
巴托地狱是桌面游戏《龙与地下城》所设定的一个位面,又称九层地狱巴托(Baator——bay-ah-tor,贝阿托)之九层地狱,是怜悯凋零,怨恨旺盛之地。 巴托之九层地狱,有时简称为巴托或者地狱,最佳地满足了旅行者的想象,寻宝者的贪婪,以及圣武士的愤怒。
Nine Hells | Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki | Fandom
The Nine Hells of Baator, also called Hell, Baator, or commonly the Nine Hells, is a lawful evil aligned outer plane that is best known as the home of the baatezu devils in the Great Wheel cosmology.[1]
Baator - Great Library of Greyhawk
The Nine Hells of Baator are the plane of evil law, home of the baatezu race of devilkind. The plane consists of nine layers arranged in descending order like a dark pit, the inversion of Celestia's ascending mountain.
Baator - Realm of Adventure Wiki
Baator, also known as The Nine Hells in Infernal or simply Hell or Hells, is the home of the devils. Baator is stylised as a plane of sinister evil and cruelty. The different types of devils that dwell here obey a strict hierarchical social structure. Each continually plots to advance their...
Baator - The Evil Wiki
The Nine Hells of Baator, better known simply as Baator and sometimes called Hell, is the vile homeworld of devils in Dungeons & Dragons cosmology. Its name originates from its structure, which consists of nine layers.
Baator - Greyhawk Wiki
2012年8月5日 · Malbolge, the Crushing Lands, is the Sixth Hell of Baator, a place of craggy, black stone and ash filled with stinking vapors, smoke, fire pits, and huge caves and caverns in which ancient Baatorians still lurk. The air is hot and choking, and the whole layer exists at a steep tilt so that no flat terrain exists.
Baator - Eberron Wiki | Fandom
Baator, also called the Nine Hells, is a remote planar location populated by devils and ruled by a being calling itself Asmodeus.[1] Knowledge of its existence is only remembered among a few mortals faithful to the Sovereign Host as well as the dragons of Argonnessen.[2]
外层位面:巴托九狱 - 哔哩哔哩
巴托 (Baator――bay-ah-tor,贝阿托)之九层地狱. 这里是地狱,怜悯凋零,怨恨旺盛之地。 这里是魔鬼的家园。 这里是用秩序的规则诠释邪恶的本质之位面。 巴托之九层地狱,有时简称为巴托或者地狱,最佳地满足了旅行者的想象,寻宝者的贪婪,以及圣武士的愤怒。 这里是秩序与邪恶的终极位面,体现了预谋、狡诈的残酷。 九层地狱的魔鬼都更加遵从秩序,然而那也就意味着他们在等级制度中感到恼火从而反叛。 大多数魔鬼会采取任何阴谋或行动,不管那是多么的邪恶,来 …
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推荐初始行星mod ..仅支持DLC 且只能使用眼冒金星模式开局行星特点地图大 非常大 资源丰富 每格砖块质量很高 有大量的固定泉(20+)会生成很多原版没有的东西 比如金银矿 镭 石脑油 沥青 初始区域有铅地图各位置温度差