Naki Sumo Crying Baby Festival - Wikipedia
The Naki Sumo Crying Baby Festival (Japanese: 泣き相撲, Hepburn: Nakizumō) is an annual Japanese festival in which babies are held in the arms of sumo wrestlers in an open-air sumo ring. Two babies compete in a short match in which the first child to cry is proclaimed the winner.
Nakizumo Crying Baby Festival, 26th Apr, 2025 - Tokyo Cheapo
Watching sumo wrestlers trying to make babies cry might seem like an odd pastime, but in Asakusa’s Sensoji it’s an age-old tradition. The unusual 400-year-old event takes place at a few different temples and shrines across Japan but this is by far the most popular. What happens?
In pictures: 100 crying babies face off at sumo festival
2024年4月29日 · The traditional "Crying Sumo" event started in 1991 to encourage the health and wellbeing of children. Babies cry as they are held up by amateur sumo wrestlers during 'Nakizumo' or a baby crying...
Naki Sumo Baby Crying Contest - Atlas Obscura
2016年4月18日 · For hundreds of years, participants in this Japanese festival have been making babies cry to ward off demons. Usually getting a baby to stop crying is the hard part of any parents' day, but...
Sumo Wrestlers Make Babies Cry at the Ancient Naki Sumo Festival
2023年10月23日 · The Naki Sumo Baby Crying Festival, or simply Naki Sumo, is held annually at the Sensoji Temple in Tokyo, as well as other locations throughout Japan. The festival's origins trace back over 400 years, and at its core lies a deeply held belief: the louder a baby cries, the more they ward off evil spirits and beckon a life of good health.
Naki Sumo: The Crying Baby Festival with Sumo Wrestlers!
2024年4月27日 · The Japan’s Naki Sumo (also “Nakizumo“) Crying Baby Festival is a unique event where parents bring their babies to compete in a crying contest. Sumo wrestlers gently shake the babies while a referee taunts them to induce tears, shouting “nake, nake, nake!” or “cry, cry, cry” in English.
Naki Sumo Baby Crying Contest - TheSmartLocal
With a history of more than 400 years, the Naki Sumo Baby Crying Contest is a traditional festival organised annually in shrines across Japan. Typically held on Children’s Day, 5th May, the premise of the traditional event is simple – sumō wrestlers compete to get babies to cry.
160 Babies Cry It Out In Japan's Naki Sumo Crying Baby Contest
2019年4月30日 · This year, more than 160 babies born in 2018 competed in the Nakizumo or Naki Sumo Crying Baby Festival. The 2019 Naki Sumo Festival in Fukui Prefecture, Japan. In fact, the contest is so popular among Japanese parents that they flock to submit their one-year-olds as a participant each year. Some contests become so full that parents have to go ...
Nakizumo - Baby-Crying Festival - Pop Japan
2017年3月14日 · Nakizumo is a four-decade long tradition that takes place every April 29 (a national holiday) at Senso-ji Temple in the Asakusa ward of Tokyo, Japan. It is called as a Baby-crying Sumo Festival as parents bring their babies at …
The Crying Baby Festival of Japan: Why are infants made to cry?
2023年1月25日 · One such unique festival is the ‘Crying Baby Festival’ called Naki Sumo, wherein sumo wrestlers attempt to make babies cry and ensure they continue crying loudly. The Naki Sumo festival is...