What A Space Maintainer (Spacer) Is And Why Your Child Might …
Space maintainers are only necessary when a baby tooth has been prematurely lost. For example, if the tooth was knocked out in an accident or the tooth had to be pulled because it …
Dental Space Maintainers for Kids: A Comprehensive Guide
2023年8月16日 · Dental spacers help prevent the drifting and rotation of adjacent teeth caused by this gap. When Is It Necessary for Kids? Kids often lose their baby teeth earlier than usual, …
What Are Dental Space Maintainers And How Are They Used?
Dental space maintainers (or spacers) are devices used for kids who have lost some baby teeth but their permanent teeth have a while before they will grow in. They hold space for the …
What Are Tooth Spacers and Why Does My Child Need Them?
2023年3月30日 · A tooth spacer is a small device commonly used during orthodontic treatment to create space between teeth and allow for the placement of bracers or other orthodontic …
What Space Maintainers Are and Why Children Might Need One - NewMouth
2024年2月9日 · Space maintainers are used when children lose their baby teeth prematurely. They preserve the resulting empty space (s), so the permanent teeth can come in properly. …
Why Does My Child Need a Spacer? | Gladwell Orthodontics
Children of all ages can lose their baby teeth prematurely for various reasons such as trauma to the mouth, such as having a tooth cracked, broken, or knocked out, or severe tooth decay. If …
Does My Child Need a Space Maintainer? - Sprout Pediatric …
2022年5月18日 · Space maintainers keep the empty space open so a child’s mouth can develop naturally, even after premature tooth loss, and have enough space for the developing …
Pediatric Dentistry: What Are Spacers for Primary Teeth?
If a child has lost a primary or baby tooth too soon, then they may need spacers to keep adjacent teeth from shifting to fill the gap. The following is everything to know about spacers for primary …
Understanding Dental Space Maintainers: Types and Care - Happy …
A dental space maintainer helps when a child loses a primary (baby) tooth earlier than expected. This loss can occur due to tooth decay, trauma, or other factors. If such a gap is left untreated, …
Why Your Child Might Need a Space Maintainer
2 天之前 · A space maintainer is a small dental device that holds the space left by a prematurely lost baby tooth. It helps guide permanent teeth into their correct positions and prevents …