XYY syndrome - Wikipedia
XYY syndrome, also known as Jacobs syndrome, is an aneuploid genetic condition in which a male has an extra Y chromosome. [1] There are usually few symptoms. [2] These may include being taller than average and an increased risk of learning disabilities. [1][2] The person is generally otherwise normal, including typical rates of fertility. [1]
XYY Syndrome (for Parents) | Nemours KidsHealth
XYY syndrome is a genetic condition found in males only. About 1 in 1,000 boys have it. Boys with XYY syndrome — also known as 47,XYY — might be taller than other boys. Other symptoms can include problems with spoken language and processing spoken words, coordination problems, weaker muscles, hand tremors, and behavioral problems.
XYY Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and More - Healthline
2017年6月7日 · XYY syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs when a male has an extra copy of the Y chromosome in each of their cells (XYY). Sometimes, this mutation is only present in some cells. Males...
What Is XYY Syndrome? - Verywell Health
2023年4月21日 · XYY syndrome (Jacobs syndrome or 47,XYY) is a genetic condition that occurs when a person assigned male at birth is born with an extra copy of the Y chromosome in some or all of their cells. Males are usually born with one X and one Y chromosome.
XYY 综合征 - 儿童的健康问题 - 《默沙东诊疗手册大众版》
一对 X 和 Y 染色体 (XY) 决定性别为男性,一对 X 和 X 染色体 (XX) 决定性别为女性。 每 1,000 名男孩中约有 1 名出生时就有 XYY 综合征。 患有 XYY 综合征的男孩往往很高,并在语言方面有困难。 与家庭中的其他成员相比,智商 (IQ) 常轻度降低。 患者可能会出现学习障碍、注意力缺陷/多动症和轻微的品行障碍。 XYY 综合征曾被认为有暴力及犯罪倾向,但此理论已经被认为错误。 Test your Knowledge Take a Quiz! XYY 综合征——从默沙东诊疗手册 (大众版)了解病 …
XYY Syndrome - Dayton Children's Hospital
XYY syndrome is a genetic condition found in males only. About 1 in 1,000 boys have it. Boys with XYY syndrome — also known as 47,XYY — might be taller than other boys. Other symptoms can include problems with spoken language and processing spoken words, coordination problems, weaker muscles, hand tremors, and behavioral problems.
What Is XYY Syndrome? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment…
2023年2月13日 · XYY syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs when a male is born with an extra Y chromosome. Instead of having one X and one Y sex chromosome, those with XYY syndrome have one X and two Y ...
XYY Syndrome
The sex chromosomes determine whether a fetus becomes male or female. A pair of X and Y chromosomes (XY) results in a male, and a pair of X and X chromosomes (XX) results in a female. About 1 in every 1,000 boys is born with XYY syndrome. Boys with XYY syndrome tend to be tall and have difficulties with language.
四川省妇幼保健院专家解读:XYY综合征并不罕见 大多无症状|健 …
2024年7月31日 · XYY综合征是常见的男性性染色体异常之一,并不罕见。 大约1000名新生男婴中就有一个是47,XYY核型。 但是,由于XYY综合征个体大多无明显症状,一般情况下不会检测染色体,所以大约85%的XYY综合征未被诊断出来。
XYY染色体比XY染色体多了一条Y,很明显,这属于不正常的情况。 而 XYY染色体也被称为“ 超雄综合征 ”,相较于正常的XY染色体的正常人,这些超雄综合征的人, 身材会比较高大,在性格上也会出现某种缺陷,比如,性格暴躁、具有较强的攻击性等等。