Stock (firearms) - Wikipedia
A gunstock or often simply stock, the back portion of which is also known as a shoulder stock, a buttstock, or simply a butt, is a part of a long gun that provides structural support, to which the barrel, action, and firing mechanism are attached.
Handgun Basics: Identifying parts and functions
How do guns work? Know your weapon better by learning to identify specific parts, purposes and functions of both revolvers and semi-automatic handguns.
Parts of a Pistol - Explained + Diagram TargetBarn.com
2022年7月14日 · The frame is the metal or polymer housing of the handgun which holds all its other parts. It is summed up as the body of the gun and is made up of the grip and trigger guard. Grip – The grip is the part of the pistol that the shooter holds. …
The Anatomy of A Revolver: A Photographic Guide
2020年6月27日 · At the back of the picture of the crane, behind where the cylinder sits in the frame, is the firing pin. When you squeeze the trigger, the firing pin strikes the cartridge to detonate the powder that explodes in order to send the bullet on its way to your target.
What Are The Parts of a Handgun? A Guide with Photos - Ammo …
2019年7月2日 · This is the back end of the barrel closest to the firing mechanism. The bore is lined with spiraling grooves called rifling. This spins the bullet, improving accuracy and increasing velocity.
Gun Glossary: Every Term You Could Possibly Need, In One Spot!
2015年5月31日 · BORE AXIS – An imaginary line which runs right down the center of the handgun’s barrel and out though the back end of the gun. A handgun may have a high bore axis, with the imaginary line running out into space well above the shooter’s hand.
A Beginner's Complete Guide To The Basic Parts Of A Gun
2021年3月5日 · Fore-End: The fore-end or forestock is the component under the barrel of your shotgun. It slides about halfway the entire barrel and you pull it back to reload the shotgun with a shell. The stock, otherwise known as buttstock, butt, or shoulder stock, is the rear end of the rifle. It's often made of a plastic, metal, or wooden frame.
Gun Anatomy | Basic Parts Infographics - OpticsPlanet
2023年3月7日 · For this post, we’ve put together a series of infographics to identify gun parts in different types of firearms. From long guns to pistols and revolvers, we’ve got you covered. While gun parts vary depending on model or manufacturer, we set out to identify basic external parts as well as controls.
The Ultimate Guide to Parts of a Gun – Know Your Weapon
2020年4月6日 · Typically, there are two common types of handguns: pistols and revolvers. Grip: The grip is the part of a revolver that’s used to hold it. Trigger: It is a lever that you pull to fire a shot. Trigger Guard: The trigger guard is a metal loop around the …
Learning the Parts of a Gun: A Guide to Terminology & Functionality
2022年6月14日 · The basic parts of a gun include action, frame, stock, barrel, trigger, and clips. Knowing each component is crucial to keeping a safe gun.