Back2Back Ministries - Until Every Child is Known and Loved
Over the past 30 years, Back2Back has grown in the depth and breadth of efforts to restore the lives of those who have experienced trauma. Today, we serve in communities across the world, including our own backyard.
Sponsor A Child or Family - Back2Back
Back2Back’s Child Sponsorship Program supports the 24-hour holistic care for the children we serve. By considering the child as an individual, we are able to go beyond just physical needs to meet the spiritual, educational, emotional, and social needs of the child.
Take A Trip - Back2Back
Over the past 30 years, Back2Back has grown in the depth and breadth of efforts to restore the lives of those who have experienced trauma. Today, we serve in communities across the world, including our own backyard.
A Place of Belonging – Back2Back Ministries
Recent government changes in India have encouraged children’s homes to do their best to reintegrate children with their biological families. For over a year, Back2Back staff have diligently connected with each child’s family, assessing their needs and growth in order to reconnect them with their children.
Unexpected Rewards: How Service Led to Growth for One Student
Through example, mentorship, and life skills classes, young adults in the Transition to Independence Program are learning Back2Back’s cultural values in real time as she stewards her resources with excellence and loves others as Jesus does.
Cincinnati | Ohio – Back2Back Ministries
SUMMER, 2025 APPLICATIONS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED: Located in our corporate hometown of Cincinnati, interns will experience first-hand the stories of success that are being written within the city of Cincinnati. Back2Back Cincinnati interns gain practical ministry experience by investing in the lives of children, youth and families.
American Heritage Girls - Back2Back
The journey toward healing can be a challenging one, but it is the goal of Back2Back to lead to the restoration of dignity and hope in every life. When early life trauma is a part of a child’s story, a child is set on a trajectory path leading to behavioral issues well into adulthood.
Be the Difference - A Podcast Hosted by Back2Back Ministries
They share what Back2Back has learned, and now teaches, about trauma and how it is not simply a matter of a good guy versus a bad guy, and why mercy should always be at the forefront of our response, especially to the aggressor.
Roots Reclaimed: A Family Reunification - Back2Back
When the Back2Back Strong Families Program first met the Alvarez* family, they were four children being cared for by a single dad recently reunified after almost 3 years in a children’s home. Their mom had left and, in response to the pandemic in 2020, the children were reunified with their father, and he needed assistance.
Leave A Legacy - Back2Back
Simply request a beneficiary change form from your policy provider or plan administrator. Designating Back2Back as a beneficiary is one of the simplest, most convenient ways to provide holistic care to orphaned and vulnerable children and change the trajectory of their futures.