Baganuur - Wikipedia
Baganuur is a distanced district, located as an exclave of 620 square kilometres (239 sq mi) on the border between the Töv and Khentii aimags. It was created as a Soviet army base for the 12th Motor Rifle Division. Later the largest open-pit coal mine in Mongolia was built here.
Монгол, Оросын ард түмний гар, сэтгэл нийлсэн нөр их хөдөлмөрөөр бүтээн байгуулсан “Багануур”-ын нүүрсний уурхай өнөөдөр жилд 3,0-3,2 сая тонн нүүрс олборлон борлуулж Монгол улсын нүүрсний хэрэгцээний 40 хувь, төвийн бүсийн нүүрсний хэрэгцээний 60 орчим хувийг олборлож эх орныхоо тэргүүлэх үйлдвэр болтлоо өсөж хөгжсөн.
巴格努尔 - 华文百科
Baganuur (蒙古人: 小 湖)是蒙古首都Ulaanbaatar的九个Düüregs (地区) 之一 。 它被细分为六个 khoroos (分区)。 Baganuur是一个遥远的地区,位于 Töv 和 Khentii Aimags 之间的 边界 上的620平方公里(239平方米)。
Baganuur Coal Mine - Global Energy Monitor
2025年1月17日 · Baganuur Coal Mine is a brown coal mine in Khentii Province Mongolia, which was established in 1978. A 2009 briefing note described the Baganuur Joint Stock Company, the mine owner and operator, as the "biggest coal mining company in Mongolia."
Baganuur - Mongolia guide
Baganuur is one of nine düüregs (districts) of the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar. It is subdivided into four khoroos (subdistricts). The population is 28,419. Baganuur is actually a separate city, located as an exclave of 620 km² at the …
Baganuur – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Baganuur is the second biggest mining town in Mongolia that is east of Ulaanbaatar. The city has 30,000 residents. Amazing open valleys and forest areas surround the city. This is one of few less tourism-exploited destination in the country.
Baganuur Coal Mine - Wikipedia
The Baganuur Coal Mine is a coal mine in Baganuur, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Scientists from the Soviet Union began the work for the coal development of the mine in 1975. The mining of the coal finally began in 1978. In 1981, the dewatering system was installed at the mine. [1] . In 1997, the Baganuur Coal Mine Development Project was established.
Baganuur Map - Central Aimak, Mongolia - Mapcarta
Baganuur is the second biggest mining town in Mongolia that is east of Ulaanbaatar. Baganuur has about 22,200 residents and an elevation of 1,349 metres.
The Baganuur coal deposit, Mongolia: depositional environments and ...
2004年12月3日 · The Baganuur Basin is a small depression filled with Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks between the larger Onon and Choir–Nyala Cretaceous basins (Fig. 1). The coal deposit and the large opencast mine are named after Baganuur which is the major town in this region.
Baga Nuur - Wikipedia
Baga Nuur (Mongolian: Бага нуур, lit. 'small lake', Chinese: 巴嘎淖尔) is a lake in the Zavkhan Aimag in Mongolia, separated from Khar lake by a band of sand dunes, the estimated terrain …