BahnCard: How to get one Quickly Or Can They be Purchased at a …
2019年7月11日 · Quick tip for displaying your trial (or regular) BahnCard in the DB Navigator app. When I first installed and logged into the app, the filter was set to display only "valid" cards, i.e., those that were within their validity period - 3 months for the trial card.
HELP! How to Buy and Use the Probe BahnCard 25 on the DB …
2018年7月15日 · (just don't order the "MY BahnCard Probe", which is for people under 27 yo; the correct label is "Probe Bahncard 25"). The BC will be sent to you by mail. The BC will be sent to you by mail. Alternativly, if you buy at the station (»Reisezentrum«) you will be handed over a provisional BC which is valid 2 months; that's probably longer than ...
BahnCard Card Number - Rick Steves Travel Forum
2015年8月4日 · I have just purchased a BahnCard ONLINE and have a one-sided print-out of my BahnCard. To receive my discount on my DB Train ticket, I am being asked for my BahnCard Card Number. I have put in every single possible number that shows up on the online print-out, but I am continually getting the message: "This card number is invalid."
Cancellation Address for Bahncard - Rick Steves Travel Forum
2010年5月12日 · The mailing address is: DB Fernverkehr AG Bahncard-Service 60643 Frankfurt am MainGermanyThey also offer a fax number but that's an 1805-number which costs extra: +49 1805-121998.The e-Mail-address is [email protected] but better insist on a written confirmation or at least ask them to fax you their confirmation.
Bahn Cards - Rick Steves Travel Forum
2023年2月27日 · If you are buying the 100, it doesn't matter if you cancel since the card is good for unlimited trips. But please note that the price for a Probe BahnCard 100 is €1295 (2nd class, €2339 1th class), so you
Trial BahnCard 25 for only 9.90 euros--by end of today (German …
2021年7月18日 · I am not sure if there is an English version of this page. If not, pls use Google Translate. "Get the sample BahnCard 25 by July 18, 2021 at the unbeatable price of 9.90 euros. With the Probe BahnCard 25 you save 25 percent on the flex price and the saver prices in national long-distance tran...
Bahn Card - Rick Steves Travel Forum
2016年1月13日 · Since you've used a BahnCard before, I assume you know it's an automatically renewing subscription. You have to send your cancellation notice to arrive six weeks before the card expires, or it just renews and charges your card. I sent my cancellation the day I received my 3-month BahnCard and it worked perfectly.
RE: Questions about BahnCard25, please help! - Rick Steves
2012年2月10日 · Hi, 1. yes, you don't need to be a citizen or have an address in Germany. I don't think you need to apply for BahnCard 25, unless your 5 week trip includes a great deal of zig zagging train travel all over Germany, from the Black forest to Berlin to Bavaria to Saxon-Anhalt to Middle Rhein area to Mecklenburg to the Ruhr to Schleswig-Holstein to Saxony to …
Bahn Card - Rick Steves Travel Forum
2008年9月11日 · The Bahn site does say (in German) that with a Bahncard 25 you get an additional 25% discounts off of the Sparpreis 25 and Sparpreis 50 fares. It doesn't say anything about additional reductions with the Bahn Card 50.
DB BahnCard - Rick Steves Travel Forum
2016年1月27日 · If you're taking the train in Germany and adjacent countries, purchasing a BahnCard can give you additional discounts on ticket prices. You can either get a BahnCard25 (for 25% discount on tickets) or a BahnCard 50 (for 50% discount). And they are valid for a full year. However, be aware that these discount cards are sold as subscriptions.