Home - University of Bahrain
UNIVERSITY OF BAHRAIN UNIVERSITY OF BAHRAIN The road to excellence starts at UOB. Apply now to obtain a world class education. Apply Now WELCOME TO THE UNIVERSITY …
الرئيسية - University of Bahrain
“Looking back at the days spent studying at University of Bahrain makes me ecstatic. The student experience made me grow into a passionate and resilient individual and have set the right …
ADMISSIONS - University of Bahrain
ADMISSIONS STUDYING AT UOB The University of Bahrain offers you an array of undergraduate and graduate programs to choose from. Our dedicated faculty and staff provide …
WELCOME TO UNIVERSITY OF BAHRAIN. The road to excellence starts at UOB. Apply now to obtain a world class education.
International Student - University of Bahrain
International Students ACADEMIC CALENDAR COURSE SCHEDULE SERVICES FUTURE STUDENTS Guidance for International Students Whether you're getting ready to travel to the …
ACADEMICS - University of Bahrain
ACADEMICS PROGRAMS The road to excellence starts at UOB. Apply now to obtain a world-class education. We offer more than 100 academic internationally recognized academic …
موارد تقنية المعلومات في الجامعة - University of Bahrain
للدخول لحسابك في نظام الـ SIS: اضغط الرابط https://sis.uob.edu.bh . لتعلم كيف تستخدم النظام SIS: اضغط هنا لمشاهدة الفيديوهات; لقراءة دليل نظام إدارة معلومات الطالب اضغط هنا لتحميل الملف (PDF)
Registration and Admission e-Services - University of Bahrain
e-Services Deanship of Admission and Registration Application service for first period undergraduate programs through (IGA) Application service for first period undergraduate …
College of Science - Home - College of Science
COLLEGE OF SCIENCE DEAN'S MESSAGE PROF. MOHAMMED EL-HILO DEAN, COLLEGE OF SCIENCE The College of Science is dedicated to providing students with knowledge, …
البرامج الأكاديمية - University of Bahrain
البرامج الأكاديمية البرامج الأكاديمية طريق التميز يبدأ من جامعة البحرين. تقدم الآن للحصول على تعليم عالمي. نحن نقدم أكثر من 100 برنامج أكاديمي معترف به دولياً من شأنهم أن يمهدوا لك الطريق نحو المستقبل. ابحث عن برنامج