Bakken Shale Maps — Bakken Shale Play
The Bakken Shale Play is an oil and gas formation located in Northeast Montana and Northwest North Dakota (see the list of counties for more information). Below you will find various maps of Bakken play locations and drilling operations.
Bakken formation - Wikipedia
Map of the Bakken Formation reservoirs in the US portion of the Williston Basin (Saskatchewan is north border). Prior to 2007, most oil came from the Elm Coulee Oil Field.
Bakken Shale & Three Forks Overview - Maps - Geology - Counties
2024年10月30日 · Bakken producing zones are mainly present in Western North Dakota, Southern Saskatchewan, and Eastern Montana. The Bakken shale is one of the largest (possibly the largest) continuous oil accumulations in the world. It is an over pressured system which is in part responsible for high IP rates.
Bakken Shale & Three Forks Map, acreage map, company map
Rig Locations Map / Database: Updated Weekly Search and view rig locations by: operator, well name, county, state, and wellbore type Planned Drilling Programs Search for the number of wells planned to drill / complete, rigs, lateral lengths, and frac stages
Bakken Formation Oil & Gas | Map, News, Lease, Royalty Info - Geology.com
Bakken Formation Map: The Bakken Formation underlies large areas of northwestern North Dakota, northeastern Montana, southern Saskatchewan, and southwestern Manitoba. The green area on this map shows the approximate extent of the Bakken oil play.
USGS Releases Oil and Gas Assessment for the Bakken and …
2021年12月15日 · The USGS has completed an oil and gas estimate for the Bakken and Three Forks Formations in the Williston Basin of Montana and North Dakota. The estimate includes 4.3 billion barrels of unconventional oil and 4.9 trillion cubic …
Bakken and Three Forks Formations, Williston Basin, North Dakota …
2021年6月2日 · The Bakken Petroleum System of the Williston Basin (North Dakota and Montana) includes the Bakken Formation, the underlying Three Forks Formation, and the overlying Lodgepole Formation (lower part).
Map showing the Bakken Formation assessment units (AUs), North Dakota and Montana. Major structural features are also shown. Inset map (bottom right) shows the Williston Basin Province boundary. Forks Formation (Nesheim, 2019) within the U.S. part of the Williston Basin Province of North Dakota and Montana (figs. 1 and 2; tables 1 and 2).
This project is a summary of the Bakken Petroleum System's production and drill stem test results. Map sets include a production map, cumulative production map and DST results in North Dakota’s portion of the Williston Basin.
Canada Bakken Overview - Maps - Geology - Counties - Shale …
Targeted for its plentiful oil reserves, the Canadian Bakken play stretches across three Canadian provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia), making it an ideal target for development due to its immense size.