Baltiysk - Wikipedia
Baltiysk (/ b ɔː l ˈ t iː s k / bawl-TEESK) [a] is a seaport town and the administrative center of Baltiysky District in Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia, located on the northern part of the Vistula Spit, …
Baltiysk | Russia, Map, & Facts | Britannica
Baltiysk, city and port, Kaliningrad oblast (province), northwestern Russia. It lies at the entrance to the tip of the narrow peninsula separating Frisches Lagoon from the Baltic Sea. Originally the …
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Baltijsk – Wikipedia
Baltijsk, deutsch Pillau, ist eine Stadt an der Ostsee. Sie liegt in der russischen Oblast Kaliningrad, einer Russland westlich vorgelagerten Exklave, und ist der Vorhafen von …
Bałtyjsk – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Bałtyjsk, Piława (ros. Балтийск, Bałtijsk; dawn. niem. Pillau) – miasto i port morski w Rosji, w obwodzie królewieckim, na Mierzei Wiślanej, po obu stronach Cieśniny Piławskiej u wejścia do …
Baltiysk Map - Town - Kaliningradskiy Gorodskoy Okrug, …
Baltiysk Baltiysk is a seaport town and the administrative center of Baltiysky District in Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia, located on the northern part of the Vistula Spit, on the shore of the Strait of …
Baltijsk – Wikipedie
Baltijsk je společně Kaliningradem jediným ruským přístavem v Baltském moři, který v zimě nezamrzá. Po rozpadu SSSR v roce 1991 se město stalo součástí Ruska. Status uzavřeného …
Baltijsk – Wikipedija/Википедија
Baltijsk je najjugozapadniji grad u Rusiji, koji se nalazi 50 km zapadno od Kalinjingrada. Najveći dio grada leži na obali Baltičkog mora na Sambijskom poluotoku , razdvojen od sprudi Baltičke …
Baltijsk Tourism (2025) Russia - Best Places to Visit in Baltijsk ...
Baltijsk Tourism (2025) Russia: Get complete information on best tourist places in Baltijsk. Find top attractions, Best places to see, things to do in Baltijsk with traveller reviews. Plan your …
Baltiysk: A journey to Russia’s westernmost edge
2016年6月7日 · Baltiysk is a mysterious place with endless sandy beaches and no tourists, impressive fortress ruins with no archeologists and has a deep blue summer...