Bam | BTS Wiki | Fandom
Bam (밤; also known as Jeon Bam (전밤)) is a red-and-tan Dobermann dog that belongs to Jung Kook. Bam was first seen as Jung Kook's lockscreen on August 31, 2021, in Jung Kook's birthday V LIVE. [1] Later, Bam was officially introduced in In the SOOP BTS ver. season two. Jung Kook is Bam’s dad. He...
Bam's dad (@bowwow_bam) • Instagram photos and videos
7M Followers, 0 Following, 14 Posts - Bam's dad (@bowwow_bam) on Instagram: "Have a good BAM"
BTS柾國「寶貝孩日常」首曝光 堅持不做「2件事」韓網讚翻 - 自由 …
2021年10月17日 · 〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕南韓天團BTS防彈少年團專屬綜藝《In the SOOP》第二季近日開播,其中老么成員柾國帶著愛犬「BAM」登上節目備受關注,更首次曝光養狗日常,對寵物超細心的溫柔照顧,讓粉絲直呼:「主人和寵物都好可愛! 《In the SOOP》第二季海報。 (翻攝自inthesoop.tv IG) 《In the SOOP》第二季海報公開時,乖巧坐在7名成員旁邊的杜賓犬身分引發觀眾好奇,而這隻杜賓犬就是柾國養了3個月的愛犬「BAM」,過去柾國就曾在第一季 …
Meet Bam: Jungkook’s Adorable Dog And The Newest Star Of ... - Koreaboo
2021年10月15日 · The dog’s name is Bam (also known as Bahm), and alongside appearing aside the members in the show, he is actually Jungkook’s dog who was brought along for the journey!
5 father-son moments of BTS’ Jungkook and his pet Bam
2022年6月19日 · BTS’ Jungkook is a dad to three dogs named Bam, Song, and Paeng. While Bam is a Doberman, the other two are Italian Greyhounds. He also had a fourth dog, Gureum, who passed away in 2021.
Jungkook and Bam moments - YouTube
Jungkook and Bam moments #jungkook #bts #bam 👉 Check out Fashion Chingu here: https://www.fashionchingu.com/kpop-fa...
BTS’ Jungkook creates Instagram account for pet dog Bam, hits 4 …
2024年4月16日 · SEOUL – When K-pop star Jungkook launched an Instagram account dedicated to his pet dog Bam on April 15, it amassed more than four million followers in a day. The account @bowwow_bam, called...
BTS Jungkook's pet dog Jeon Bam becomes most famous dog
2022年5月16日 · Group member Jungkook’s dog Bam (also known as Bahm) recently trended on the video-focused platform TikTok, and the hashtag #jeonbam crossed over 100 million views …
BTS Jungkook's bond with his beloved pet dog 'Jeon Bam ... - allkpop
2022年5月15日 · BTS Jungkook 's pet dog ' Jeon Bam ' is loved by fans for his incredible bond with Jungkook after he was first revealed in BTS in the Soop 2. Since then, he is always praised for his loyalty and...
“BTS Jungkook posted a new photo of his adorable dog, “Bam”, …
2023年5月23日 · Last night, after being absent from social media for a long time, Jungkook of BTS posted a new photo of Bam on Weverse. ARMYs are not unfamiliar with this adorable pet, who was first introduced in “In The Soop : Season 2”. Bam definitely made an impact on the first episode capturing the hearts of ARMYs watching worldwide.
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