Drivers - Wacom
2025年2月12日 · The model number starts with three letters, hyphen and then followed by 3-4 digits for example CTH-690. You can find it on the packaging or on the back of your product . View the pictures to help you find the model number on the packaging.
This manual provides quick access to information about your Bamboo. The information is common to Windows and Mac computers and Windows screen captures are shown, unless otherwise noted.
サポート終了製品(ペンタブレット )のOSとタブレットドライ …
Bambooシリーズ ※BambooシリーズのWindows 10環境でお使いいただく場合、Windows 10 Anniversary Update バージョン1607 までの対応となっております。 Creators Update バージョン 1703 以降には対応しておりませんのでご注意ください。
驅動程式與軟體 – Wacom - Wacom Support
需要下載 Wacom 驅動程式,收到驅動程式的錯誤訊息或需要 Wacom 應用程式方面的幫助?無需再找了!
Bamboo CTH-470 no longer supported? – Wacom
2024年2月19日 · It is true that the CTH-470 is a legacy device and is no longer supported with the latest drivers, but you can still try to instal the lasted compatible driver and see if it will run. You can download if from here: https://www.wacom.com/en-de/support/product-support/drivers
Questa guida per l'utente fornisce accesso rapido alle informazioni relative alla vostra Bamboo. Le informazioni sono comuni ad entrambe le piattaforme Windows e Mac; a meno che non sia indicato diversamente, le illustrazioni riportano schermate di Windows.
Drivers & Software – Wacom - Wacom Support
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Pilotes et logiciels – Wacom - Wacom Support
Pilotes et logiciels. Besoin de télécharger un pilote Wacom ou d'aide avec un programme Wacom ? Vous avez reçu un message d'erreur ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin !
Esta é uma seção de introdução à Bamboo. Para aprender a usar a mesa gráfica Bamboo com caneta rapidamente, primeiro familiarize-se com sua aparência e seus recursos. † Nem todos os modelos de produto estão disponíveis em todas as regiões. † A sua mesa gráfica Bamboo pode ser usada somente com canetas ou dispositivos de entrada
This manual provides quick access to information about your Bamboo. The information is common to Windows and Mac computers and Windows screen captures are shown, unless otherwise noted.