Pay scales for 2024/25 | NHS Employers
2024年8月20日 · Following government's announcement on the 2024/25 pay award, the annual and hourly rates have been updated and can be accessed below inclusive of Higher Cost Area Supplements (HCAS) rates. See the 2024/25 pay scales at a glance via this pay poster. Did you know we offer a variety of free bulletins? hear the latest developments in specific areas.
NHS Band 8B Net Pay 2024/2025
NHS Band 8B Net Pay after Tax, National Insurance and Pension deductions. Includes 2023/24 NHS 5% pay rise & Pension rates from 1st April 2024!
Find NHS Pay Bands 2024/25 (5.5% Pay Rise)
Band 8b. Band 8b staff include psychologists, lead pharmacists and lead clinicians.
Pay scales for 2023/24 [Archived] - NHS Employers
2023年5月2日 · Following government's announcement on the 2023/24 pay award, the annual and hourly rates have been updated and can be accessed below inclusive of Higher Cost Area Supplements (HCAS) rates. See the 2023/24 pay scales at a glance via this pay poster. Did you know we offer a variety of free bulletins? hear the latest developments in specific areas.
NHS Pay Scales 2025/26 (predicted 3.5% pay rise and Band 2/3 …
Band 8b. Staff in Band 8b (such as heads of department, consultant pharmacists, or senior general managers) start on a salary of £62,215. This would increase to £64,393 following the pay rise. Last year’s pay deal added a new intermediate step after 2 years. Pay for those with two years of experience will increase from £66,247 to £68,566.
Agenda for change - pay rates | Health Careers
Band 8b. Examples of roles at band 8b - strategic management, head of education and training, clinical physiology service manager and head orthoptist. Band 8c. Examples of roles at band 8c - head of human resources, consultant clinical scientist (molecular genetics/cytogenetics) and consultant paramedic. Band 8d.
updated October 2024) - NHS Pay Scales
2024年4月10日 · Staff in Band 8b (such as heads of departments, consultant pharmacists, or senior general managers) start on a salary of £58,972. This would increase to £62,215 following the pay rise. The 2024/25 pay deal adds a new intermediate step after 2 years.
This poster shows a breakdown of the pay that eligible band 8b staf can expect to receive in June 2023 as a result of the pay deal for staf on the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service. The figures used are based on a full-time equivalent role, and have been provided before any deductions including tax, National Insurance or pension contributions.
point details which will be back dated to 1st April 2024 for Band 8a and above. There is the option for employees to opt to receive their pay arrears over three months in equal payments. A communication will be sent out by your organisations detailing the process to follow
NHS Net Pay after deductions 2024/25 inc. 5.5% payrise
With this new payrise there are now 3 pay steps for Band 8 or 9 jobs. From April 1st 2024 the NHS Pay Bands are below (all bandings have been edited to include the recent 2024/2025 NHS 5.5% pay rise offer). Revised NHS pay bandings will …