M1918 Browning automatic rifle - Wikipedia
The Browning automatic rifle (BAR) is a family of American automatic rifles and machine guns used by the United States and numerous other countries during the 20th century.
U.S. B.A.R. versus British Bren gun - The Firearms Forum
Aug 13, 2009 · The BREN is a true LMG, and does the job of a LMG well. The BAR while a great gun, tries to be both a rifle and a LMG. To heavy for a rifle, not the qualities to be an effective LMG, in particular mag capacity and quick barrel changing.
Remembering the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle: A Favorite …
Jul 18, 2019 · The Browning Automatic Rifle, or as it is correctly pronounced, “B-A-R,” was another legendary design by the weapons genius John Moses Browning. Browning created the BAR chambered in 30.06 in 1917 for the U.S. Expeditionary Corps.
Browning M1918 BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle) - Military Factory
May 29, 2019 · The BAR became the standard-issue Light Machine Gun (LMG) of American infantry outfits by the time of World War 2 (1939-1945). Marine units were also issued the type but favored the original's single-shot functionality and, therefore, reverted their actions back to the single / full modes of fire.
M1918 BAR (LMG) - Military Conflict: Vietnam Wiki
The M1918 BAR is an American automatic rifle and machine gun. It was used by the South Vietnamese army during the early stages of the war.
The Inside Story of the BAR, John M. Browning's Automatic Rifle
Oct 31, 2016 · America’s greatest firearms inventor John Moses Browning designed the BAR during the latter part of World War I. It was unanimously and rapidly accepted by an Ordnance Department board. The BAR is one of the most important U.S. military arms of the 20th century and it will forever, fittingly, bear the name of its designer. NRA photo.
Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR): LMG | Weapon Guide - YouTube
Aug 11, 2020 · The Camp Blanding Museum curator Greg parsons discusses the history and use of one of the most iconic American light machine guns, the BAR. The Browning auto...
BAR Comparison: M1918 vs M1918A2 - Forgotten Weapons
Jun 3, 2014 · The BAR was an individual weapon. An LMG is a crew-served weapon. In the squad there’s room for a crew-served weapon. Fire teams are too small for anything that can’t be managed by one man. Forgotten is that the BAR wasn’t adequate in the Trench Broom role.
How effective was the BAR as an LMG? What role did it ... - Reddit
Jan 16, 2018 · The BAR gets a lot of criticism as a poor performer in the "light machine gun" role when it was never intended to take the place of light machine guns per U.S. Army doctrine, although subjective criticisms of the weapon in the role it was placed do exist.
The M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR): Development, …
Designed by the legendary John Moses Browning, the BAR provided American forces with an automatic rifle capable of delivering high firepower with maneuverability, filling a critical gap in infantry tactics from World War I through Vietnam.