Barenforum.org -- the world of Woodblock Printmaking
This web site is the home of the [Baren] discussion forum on woodblock printmaking, and the Encyclopedia of Woodblock Printmaking. The 2024 [Baren] Forum for Woodblock Printmaking Connect with Members...
Chromoxylographers of the world - Unite! - Baren] Forum
The baren is the very core of traditional woodblock printmaking, and there can be no better symbol for this group. "Honest effort and honest communication, that's what counts; given that, anything goes." - [Baren] member Bill Mixon "It's in the doing that questions are answered." - [Baren] member Phil Bivins "Cut! Print!" - [Baren] member Dave Bull
[Baren] Mall - Barens
Another alternative type baren, which also does not need a bamboo sheath. The base is a rubber and aluminum pad with a twisted handle, and the 'action' part is made up of hundreds of steel ball bearings held in place by a perforated screen. They are available in four types: Type 'A': fewer bearings (thus stronger), smooth-running
Frequently Asked Questions - Baren] Forum
For those interested in the Japanese traditional ways of working, [Baren] member David Bull described a basic tool set in [Baren] posting #60 - available in the archived Digest Vol #1 #12. That sort of set does not include 'V' or 'U' gouges though ...
The [Baren] Encyclopedia
Welcome to the [Baren] Encyclopedia of Woodblock Printmaking. (created by members of [Baren]: the Discussion Forum for Woodblock Printmaking) In a moment, when you enter the Encyclopedia, you will find yourself in the midst of a world of information on woodblock printmaking. There are three 'levels' to this Encyclopedia ... - the main outline ...
[Baren] Mall - Custom Senjafuda
Senjafuda are usually of a fairly straightforward design, and are printed with rich saturated colours. We think it might be of interest to people around the world to have senjafuda made for them, so we have arranged for a young Japanese printmaker to make them to order for us. Mr. Shingo Ueda works in the traditional methods, although unlike the old craftsmen, he does both …
[Baren] Mall - Introduction
The [Baren] Mall is a buying service - it has no physical store, there is no inventory, and there are no employees. Orders placed on this website are transmitted to the mall manager (a [Baren] member), who also processes the payment.
[Baren] Mall - 'Hon' Barens
16-strand (medium): very strong baren, for colour blocks on heavy paper 16-strand (fine): also strong, but less likely to leave striations in the colour Special note: Each of these barens is made to your order - there is no stock on hand.
Who is Baren? - Baren] Forum
Click here to see the other page - members 'M' to 'Z' [Baren] membership currently stands at 350+ [Baren] members - to have your prints added to these pages, see the instructions located here
The [Baren] New Year's Card Exchanges - Baren] Forum
The [Baren] New Year's Card Exchanges B aren F orum began sponsoring its annual New Year's Card Exchange for the 2000 new year and has continued this popular exchange in each subsequent year. The exchange prints are to be designed around that …