Bargrivyek - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Bargrivyek was the goblinoid deity of unity and cooperation, titled Peacekeeper for his role of encouraging teamwork between the various goblinoid races and tribes. However, he was also a god of...
拜格瑞耶克Bargrivyek | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
拜格瑞耶克Bargrivyek 是位好斗、领地性的神祇,但他聪明地意识到了团结就是力量。 所以,这位神祇和他的仆人们致力于减少和斡旋地精部落之中和之间的争端。 拜格瑞耶克为团结和纪律的表现(所以他与 库戈拜亚格Khurgorbaeyag 有着平等的关系)、以及纠纷的调解成功而高兴。 然而,他并非什么和平主义者;团结是一种实现目的——不断扩大所控制的领土——的手段。 拜格瑞耶对地精们停留在地下感到不耐,会为那些把部落带到新地表安置区的祭司提供报酬。 …
Bargrivyek - Great Library of Greyhawk
Bargrivyek is the goblin deity of Cooperation and Territory. He is known as the Peacekeeper because he tolerates no war between goblin tribes. However, he is not a gentle god and he desires to see goblins destroy their enemies, particularly orcs. Bargrivyek appears as a large (8 feet tall) goblin with a high domed forehead.
Bargrivyek - Realm of Adventure Wiki
The goblinoid god of Cooperation and Law, Bargrivyek appears as an extremely tall goblin. He possesses a high, domed forehead and has a calm, collected expression. He wears white leather armor and wields a flail with three white spiked balls. …
Bargrivyek (MoMy) | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition …
Bargrivyek is an aggressive, territorial deity, but he is smart enough to realize that unity is strength. So, this deity and his servants work to minimize and mediate disputes within goblin tribes, and also between them.
Bargrivyek Character in Forgotten Realms - World Anvil
Bargrivyek was the goblinoid deity of unity and cooperation, titled Peacekeeper for his role of encouraging teamwork between the various goblinoid races and tribes. However, he was also a god of territory, and his peacekeeping role did not extend to creating positive relations between goblinoids and other races.
Bargrivyek the Peacekeeper « AuldDragon's AD&D Blog
Despite his portfolios and epithets, Bargrivyek (BARG-riv-yeck) the Peacemaker is just as bellicose as the other goblin gods. He stands for the unity of all goblin tribes and subraces, for unity is strength. It is this unity that will allow the goblins to expand their lands and slaughter and rule their foes, the Unifier teaches.
DND类地精神祇Goblinoid Deities - 哔哩哔哩
拜格瑞耶克Bargrivyek 弱等神力 守序邪恶LE 地精的领土与协作之神 熊地精神系Bugbear Pantheon. 熊地精曾经拥有一个独立神系,其中的神祇都是他们种族和文化所独有的。然而,他们中的许多人被马格努比耶杀死,只有赫鲁盖克和格兰库尔两兄弟幸免于难。
Bargrivyek - Sigil - Planar Legends
Bargrivyek's realm, the Peaceable Lands, is nothing but a misnomer. Here the deity trains his goblin armies and forces them through brutal calisthenics. Occasionally he leads the mon raids against Draukari (an underground realm of Kobolds fiercely guarded by Kurtulmak, the kobold god), showing that nothing can stand against the might of goblindom.
Bargrivyek Character in Theras - World Anvil
Bargrivyek is the largely-forgotten Goblin deity of cooperation. Unlike the other members of his pantheon, he is not identified with any particular race as Khurgorbaeyag is with goblins or Nomog-Geaya is with hobgoblins, or with both races as a whole as is Maglubiyet, but instead he is associated with more abstract ideas.