Bastarnae - Wikipedia
The Bastarnae, Bastarni or Basternae, also known as the Peuci or Peucini, were an ancient people who are known from Greek and Roman records to have inhabited areas north and east …
巴斯塔奈人 - 百度百科
Bastarnae 在希腊化和罗马时期居住在欧洲喀尔巴阡山脉迤东、从聂斯特河上游到多瑙河三角洲一带的一个大部族。 马其顿王腓力五世和佩尔修斯(Perseus)曾利用他们反对 色雷斯人 ,本 …
巴斯塔奈人 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
巴斯塔奈人 (Bastarnae)在 希臘化 和 古羅馬 時期居住在歐洲 喀爾巴阡山脈 以東、從 聶斯特河 上游到 多瑙河 三角洲一帶的一個大部族。 馬其頓 王 腓力五世 和 佩爾修斯 曾利用他們反對 …
Bastarnae | Gothic Tribe, Migration, Roman Empire | Britannica
Bastarnae, in Hellenistic and Roman times, large tribe settled in Europe east of the Carpathian Mountains from the upper valley of the Dniester River to the Danube River delta. The …
Bastarnae - 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica - StudyLight.org
Originally settled in Galicia and the Bukovina, they appeared on the lower Danube about 200 B.C., and were used by Philip V. of Macedon against his Thracian neighbours. Defeated by …
Bastarnae (Bastarni; Bastarnians; Peucini; Peucinians)
They lived primarily east of the Carpathian Mountains, claiming territory between the upper valleys of the Dniester River and the delta of the Danube River in present-day Ukraine, Moldova, and …
Cultures | Bastarnae - History Archive
The Bastarnae (Latin variants: Bastarni, or Basternae; Ancient Greek: Βαστάρναι or Βαστέρναι) were an ancient people who between 200 BC and 300 AD inhabited the region between the …
Bastarnae - IIWiki
2022年3月11日 · The Bastarnae were an enigmatic ancient people who inhabited western Syara from at least the 8th century BCE to the 4rd Century BCE. During their existence the …
Bastarnae - AceArchive
2023年2月22日 · The Bastarnae were an ancient people inhabiting the region between the Carpathian Mountains and the river Dnieper, who spoke Celtic or Germanic languages. They …
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) - Perseus …
BASTARNAE (Βαστάρναι) or BASTERNAE (Βαστέρναι), one of the most powerful tribes of Sarmatia Europaea, first became known to the Romans in the wars with Philip and Perseus, …