Balanced Audio Technology
Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) has a 25-year legacy of manufacturing fully balanced tube and solid-state power amplifiers, preamplifiers, and phono preamps that are sold in over 40 countries.
BAT VK-3500 Integrated Amplifier - Hi-Fi News
2021年10月14日 · Promising 'extraordinary power with exquisite tube finesse' BAT's new VK-3500 integrated marries the brand's REX 3 triode preamp with a robust solid-state output
VK-3500 Integrated Amplifier — Balanced Audio Technology
Balanced Audio Technology’s VK-3500 integrated amplifier offers no-limits musical finesse and exceptional performance in one convenient package. VK-3500 combines a robust Class A/B 150 watt per channel amplifier with BAT’s SuperTube preamplifier section. You get sublime power matched with richly textured musicality from an elegant one-box solution.
细雨绵绵的清晨,透一缕阳光——BAT 推 BH FS2 - HiFi乐趣 - 发烧 …
2002年10月14日 · BAT VK-3000SE功放虽然只有150瓦的输出功率, 但是驱动灵敏度94db的FS2已经有相当的气势,音色纯净、透明,声底较为宽松,而低频也富有弹性,音乐再现柔顺流畅,富有感情色彩。 听EMI 普列文指挥的行星主曲,仿佛遨游星际,气势磅礴,舞台宏大,乐团犹如置身视听室,舞台和空间感似乎穿墙而过。 管乐响起,具有圆润的质感,既有厚度又带透明光泽之感,可见其高频的延展能力与中高频的密度感。 鼓声连成一片,清晰可见,量感十足,瞬态 …
BAT REX 500 Power Amplifier Lab Report - Hi-Fi News
BAT's flagship stereo amplifier is offered with a very sparse specification, nevertheless its core 500W/8ohm and 1kW/4ohm rating is well met in practice. Achieving 495W at 0.5% THD and 565W at 1% THD into 8ohm – one or two channels driven as the REX 500 is a dual-mono amp right back to the two transformers and AC inlets – the amp has ...
BAT REX 500 Power Amplifier - Hi-Fi News
2024年3月7日 · A two-channel model rated at 500W a side, but with the option to be specified at purchase as a 1kW mono design, the REX 500 is described as BAT's 'flagship solid state' amplifier, but at £22,500 also counts as its flagship amp, full stop. Below it …
BAT REX 500 Power Amplifier - The Music Room
Balanced Audio Technology’s flagship solid-state power amplifier, REX 500, represents the culmination of the company’s decades-long pursuit of sonic and engineering excellence. Victor Khomenko, BAT’s chief designer, observes that the unit’s massive power output is …
BAT REX 500 Power Amplifier – groove hifi | your best source for hi-fi …
Massive Power Output: Delivers 500 watts per channel into 8 ohms and 1,000 watts per channel into 4 ohms, ensuring effortless handling of demanding loudspeakers. True Dual-Mono Design: This design features independent channel assemblies, power transformers, and separate power cables for each channel, enhancing sound staging, depth, and dynamics.
BAT VK-90t Tube Power Amplifier – groove hifi | your best source …
Symmetrical Single-Ended Bridge Design: This innovative topology functions as two single-ended amplifiers per channel, with their waveforms summed at the output transformer. This configuration ensures an actual wide-bandwidth design and reduces low-frequency distortion.
BAT – Schroeder Amplification
Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) has been a purveyor of some of the finest power amplifiers, preamplifiers, digital audio converters, and phono stages on the planet for 25 years.