Patagonia Outdoor Clothing & Gear
Unlock all-day comfort for all-day efforts with Nano-Air® Ultralight. We guarantee everything we make. We take responsibility for our impact. We support grassroots activism. We keep your gear going. We give our profits to the planet.
Shop All Outdoor Clothing & Gear by Patagonia
Shop outdoor clothing and gear that’s built to last and backed by our guarantee. The only place to find everything we make—shop durable outdoor clothing and gear for men, women, kids and babies at Patagonia.com. 1% for the Planet®.
Patagonia - Wikipedia
Patagonia (Spanish pronunciation: [pataˈɣonja]) is a geographical region that includes parts of Argentina and Chile at the southern end of South America. The region includes the southern section of the Andes mountain chain with lakes, fjords, temperate rainforests, and glaciers in the west and deserts, tablelands, and steppes to the east.
Patagonia Outdoor Clothing & Gear | Australia
Patagonia is a designer of outdoor clothing and gear for the silent sports: climbing, surfing, skiing and snowboarding, mountain biking, trail running, and fly fishing.
Women's Outdoor Clothing by Patagonia
Explore women's outdoor clothing—jackets, pants, shirts and more—and gear at Patagonia.com. Free Shipping over $99. 1% for the Planet®.
巴塔哥尼亞 (公司) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
巴塔哥尼亞 (英語: Patagonia)是一家主营 户外 服装的公司,由 伊馮·喬伊納德 于1973年创建,总部位于 美国 加利福尼亚 文圖拉。 巴塔哥尼亚在全球10多个国家 [1][2] 开设了专卖店,并在16个国家 [3] 设有工厂。 2022年,公司创始人喬伊納德宣布捐赠整个公司,将公司所有利润用于环保事业,公司价值30亿美元。 [4] 伊冯·乔伊纳德是一名出色的攀岩家 [5],1957年,他开始通过自己的公司Chouinard Equipment销售手工制造的登山装备。 [6] 1965年,他与汤姆·弗罗斯 …
Patagonia - REI Co-op
Patagonia is standing capitalism on its head. The full value of the company is now going to address the climate crisis protect the source of all wealth – and our one and only home. …
Outdoor-Bekleidung & Ausrüstung | Patagonia Deutschland
Um Produkthighlights, spannende Stories, Informationen über Aktivismus, Veranstaltungen und mehr zu erhalten. Hergestellt aus Material, das nicht in den Ozean gehört. „Bei unserer Wanderung durch die Tundra wurde uns klar, dass der Herbst vor der Tür steht. Das Tal leuchtete in Gold-, Purpur- und Kupfertönen und Bären zogen durch die Gegend.
成立于1975年的Patagonia,成功成为让总统克林顿在内的美国精英阶层及户外健身等专业人士最为接受的运动品牌。 但真正让Patagonia出圈的,其实是其很多次「反常理」的宣传:买下《 …
Used Patagonia® Clothing & Gear | Worn Wear
Worn Wear® is used Patagonia gear with more life to live. Find technical staples, old-school prints and everyday essentials in our just-restocked collection. Your gear deserves credit. Don’t get …