Blood-Brain Barrier Leakage | Stroke - AHA/ASA Journals
2019年4月11日 · This is the first description of the extent and localization of BBBD in patients with transient ischemic attack/minor stroke. We propose BBBD mapping as a valuable tool for detection of subtle brain ischemia and a promising predictive biomarker required for risk stratification and stroke prevention.
State-of-the-art of microbubble-assisted blood-brain barrier …
Blood-brain-barrier disruption (BBBD) aims to compromise transiently the BBB using chemical or mechanical means to allow the passage of circulating therapeutic molecules and biomarkers into, and less frequently, out of the parenchyma (Table 1).
Clinical Program - OHSU
Permeability of the BBB after blood-brain barrier disruption (BBBD) is shown by the electron micrograph of peroxidase staining (indicated by arrow) between endothelial cells (labeled E). Intracarotid or intravertebral infusion of hyper osmotic saccarides (e.g. mannitol) leads consistently to a reversible opening of the barrier.
Blood–Brain Barrier Disruption (BBBD)-Based …
We present the results of a prospective trial of systemic chemoimmunotherapy for primary CNS lymphoma including the intra-arterial administration of methotrexate and carboplatin with blood–brain barrier disruption. The safety, response rates, and survival outcomes were favorable.
Blood–brain barrier disruption - Wikipedia
Blood–brain barrier disruption is the surgical process whereby drugs are used to create openings between cells in the blood–brain barrier. [1] The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is protected by a network of blood vessels and tissue that shields it from harmful substances. This protection also stops anti-cancer drugs from getting to the brain.
血脑屏障与帕金森病的研究进展-《中国CT和MRI杂志》《罕少疾病 …
2023年9月13日 · 血脑屏障 (Blood-brain barrier,BBB)可保护大脑免受血液传播的毒素、蛋白质和细胞的侵害,这对于大脑维持正常功能至关重要。 帕金森病(Parkinson's disease,PD)是最常见的神经退行性疾病之一。 目前有研究证实PD 中存在BBB破坏,但其机制尚不明确;同时,通过BBB向大脑输送药物是PD治疗上的一大难题。 因此,探索更有效地能通过BBB的给药方式是目前亟需解决的课题。 故本研究围绕血脑屏障的结构、PD中BBB破坏的机制及跨越BBB的PD新疗 …
Recent Advances in Blood–Brain Barrier Disruption as a CNS …
Graphic depicting the Magnevist (Gd-DTPA) concentration over time in the disrupted hemisphere (right) and the non disrupted hemisphere (left) in T1 MRI sequence acquisition. Notice the pronounced signal drop at time 3 min, immediately after BBBD, translating the increase in water content caused by the BBBD
Risk Factors and Disease Course for Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption ...
The current study evaluated the rate of and potential risk factors for maculopathy development in patients with a variety of malignant CNS tumors treated with BBBD therapy. In addition, we …
阿霉素 和 夸大 在 脑肿瘤-临床试验注册中心-ICH GCP
2022年11月18日 · 这是一项前瞻性、单臂、非随机可行性研究,旨在评估使用 Exablate 2 型系统破坏血脑屏障 (BBBD) 治疗接受多柔比星化疗的弥漫性桥脑胶质瘤 (DIPG) 儿科患者的安全性、可行性和初步疗效.
Effect of blood–brain barrier disruption (BBBD) on serum protein ...
Increased blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability is radiologically detectable in regions affected by drug-resistant epileptogenic lesions. Brain penetration of antiepileptic drugs...