gnus - How to learn to use bbdb? - Emacs Stack Exchange
that’s some time yet I began to use emacs as much as possible for quite everything (org-mode, Gnus, etc.), but I’m still maintaining a single file with a list of names, numbers, adresses, etc. …
How to use mail lists with bbdb and message mode?
2017年10月19日 · I use counsel-bbdb but company-bbdb is also enabled. To insert multiple mail address: Just press C-M-n in the candidates window. It's built in feature of ivy-mode which …
How to add bbdb contact from gnu message? - Emacs Stack …
2018年1月27日 · I am able to read messages using gnus, but now I want to add contacts from the mail message into bbdb. I have read that ':' should display a prompt and allow me to do this, …
Automatically add recipients' mail address to the BBDB database
(bbdb-initialize 'gnus 'message) (bbdb-mua-auto-update-init 'message) ;; use 'gnus for incoming messages too (setq bbdb-mua-auto-update-p 'query) ;; or 'create to create without asking This …
Where is the canonical location for the BBDB manual?
2015年9月17日 · It seems development has been spread around over the years. The EmacsWiki still points to the manual on SourceForge but it seems very out of date.
bbdb -- searching for a name by regex with tab auto-completion
@JulesTamagnan -- All of the following items that are built-in to the bbdb library look potentially very interesting, some of which might be able to be used to help with this particular project: …
gnus - *BBDB* buffer always pops up - Emacs Stack Exchange
2018年3月1日 · No matter what I do, the *BBDB* buffer always pops up when I read an incoming mail message. I've googled around and tried all tricks I saw. Nothing works. This is my bbdb …
How can I prevent bbdb from asking me to add emails in gnus?
2023年11月15日 · You'll probably want to check the doc string with C-h v bbdb-mua-action and perhaps pick something else (maybe update - or maybe define your own function to do …
bbdb - How can I access certain field information of a BBDB3 …
2016年6月22日 · I'd like to write a command so that for a particular record (found for example with (bbdb-search (bbdb-records) regexp)) I'm able to extract just the name part of it (or e. g. the …
Can't insert "<" when writing message with Gnus after enable BBDB
I enable BBDB as below (el-get-bundle! bbdb (defun ec--bbdb-initialize () (flyspell-mode t) (bbdb-initialize 'message) (bbdb-initialize 'gnus) (local-set-key "<TAB...