Hydrodynamic and energy-harvesting performance of a BBDB …
2023年11月15日 · The back-bent duct buoy (BBDB) can be used as a floating oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converter, showing its potential and reliability in most previous prototype sea trials. In this study, an experimental test on a generic BBDB OWC model was conducted in a wave flume using irregular wave scenarios.
Improving wave energy conversion performance of a floating BBDB …
2024年5月1日 · Introducing a novel floating dual-chamber BBDB-OWC WEC with an enhancement plate. The WEC exhibits smoother output power, greater capture width ratio, and broader respond bandwidth. Difference in response phase between the front and rear chambers yields a smoother output power.
Motion and performance of BBDB OWC wave energy converters: …
2019年8月1日 · The Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB) oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converter (WEC) has been invented following the so-far most successful OWC navigation buoys in wave energy utilisation, with aims to build large and efficient OWC wave energy converters for massive wave energy production.
Comparative evaluation of floating OWC and BBDB wave energy …
2024年8月7日 · To investigate how focused waves interact with a point absorber WEC, fixed OWC and BBDB type WEC are coupled. A validation research is evaluated by taking into account the wave amplitude and frequency. The hydrodynamic force and the motion response of the point absorber WEC have been measured throughout time.
振荡水柱波浪能发电技术研究进展_可再生能源 振荡水柱-技术邻
2023年10月11日 · 摘 要: 振荡水柱(OWC)波浪能转换装置具有结构简单、工作性能可靠和装置寿命长等优点,是一种主流的波浪能发电装置。 通过对OWC技术的发展过程进行分析总结,全面介绍各类OWC技术及其发展趋势。 根据气室腔体的工作状态不同,将OWC装置分成固定型OWC和振荡型OWC,其中固定型可细分成岸基固定型、近岸固定型和漂浮锚固型。 根据OWC装置工作原理的不同,分类探讨了OWC技术相关的研究成果,并总结了OWC技术的发展趋势。 分析了OWC波浪能 …
47 experiments on BBDB OWC devices have been conducted [1, 2, 11], including a recent experimental study 48 in which the different shapes of the floats on a BBDB device for improving its power...
A Study On Motion of a BBDB Type OWC Wave Energy Device
2007年7月1日 · The BBDB (Backward Bent Duct Buoy) type OWC wave energy device has been proposed by Masuda (1987) where the basic principle of the oscillating water column has been maintained, but the oscillating mass of the water has been increased by using a L-shape bent duct, a short vertical and long horizontal inner duct (Fig. 1).
Hydrodynamic and energy-harvesting performance of a BBDB
2023年8月6日 · The back-bent duct buoy (BBDB) can be used as a floating oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converter, showing its potential and reliability in most previous prototype sea...
Power performance of BBDB OWC wave energy converters
2019年3月1日 · Following the research on the hydrodynamic performance of the BBDB OWC wave energy converters, this research focuses on the power conversion, power performance and energy production of the device for extracting energy from waves. This is done with the formulations for the power conversion train from waves to energy production.
Power performance of BBDB OWC wave energy converters
2019年3月1日 · A floating type backward-bent duct buoy (BBDB) is a wave energy conversion device with an oscillating water column (OWC) at the front side. The device captures the wave energy using the heaving, the … Expand
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