BBT/BBTD process pump - Sulzer
The BBT/BBTD 2 stage, radially split ISO 13709 / API 610 Type BB2 pumps offers the widest range of hydraulic performance in the industry. The BBTD double suction impeller provides reduced NPSH3 for tough services in refineries and other critical applications.
BBT/BBT-D 流程泵 - Sulzer
BBT/BBT-D 2 级,径向剖分符合 ISO13709/API610 标准 BB2 型泵提供满足应用要求的范围最广的水力性能。 BBT-D 双吸式叶轮可以降低 NPSH3,以满足于在炼油厂和其他苛刻条件下的应用。
BB2 radially split 1 and 2 stages - Sulzer
The BBT/BBTD 2 stage, radially split ISO 13709 / API 610 Type BB2 pumps offers the widest range of hydraulic performance in the industry. The BBTD double suction impeller provides reduced NPSH3 for tough services in refineries and other critical applications.
BBT/BBT-D process pump – Thetys Pumps
The BBT/BBT-D 2 stage, radially split ISO 13709 / API 610 Type BB2 pumps offers the widest range of hydraulic performance in the industry. The BBT-D double suction impeller provides reduced NPSH3 for tough services in refineries and other critical applications.
BBT/BBTD process pump - Khanh Linh Equipment & Engineering …
The BBT/BBTD 2 stage, radially split ISO 13709 / API 610 Type BB2 pumps offers the widest range of hydraulic performance in the industry. The BBTD double suction impeller provides reduced NPSH3 for tough services in refineries and other critical applications.
BBT/BBT-D | Pump Corrosion & Technology
ISO 13709 / API 610 type BB2, horizontal, 2 stage, single or double suction, radially split pump for heavy duty applications in petroleum, petrochemical, and gas processing industry. Maximum Speed of rotation. 3600 rpm. Discharge sizes. 50 mm to 300 mm (2 to 12 inches) Capacity. up to 2,000 m 3 /h (up to 10,000 usgpm) Head. up to 740 m (up to ...
苏尔寿BBT-D泵——满足您各种复杂工艺的生产需求 - 豆丁网
2024年7月26日 · 苏尔寿BBT-D泵是一种能够满足各种复杂工艺生产需求的高效、经. 济、实用的泵。 它具备结构紧凑、操作方便、维修简便、性能可靠和安. 全稳定等特点,得到了广泛应用和认可。 本文从泵的工作原理、结构设. 计、性能参数、应用领域等方面进行深入的分析和探讨,旨在为广大读. 者更好地了解苏尔寿BBT-D泵,提供可靠的参考依据。 关键词:苏尔寿BBT-D泵;工作原理;结构设计;性能参数;应用. 领域. 一、引言. 泵是利用机械、物理或化学方法,将流体从 …
BBT/BBT-D PROCESS PUMP - Pacific Technologies
The BBT/BBT-D 2 stage, radially split ISO 13709 / API 610 Type BB2 pumps offers the widest range of hydraulic performance in the industry. The BBT-D double suction impeller provides reduced NPSH3 for tough services in refineries and other critical applications.
signed for heavy duty, high pressure and high temperature applications. These applications range from light hydrocarbons at low temperatures, to corrosive fluids, coker furnace charge, ications, a BBT-D with double suction first stage impeller is utilize.
Goulds 3640 i-FRAME API 610 (BB2) Two-Stage, Between
Goulds Model 3640 i-FRAME between-bearings radially spilt process pumps are designed for smooth, reliable operation and fully meet the specifications requirements of ISO 13709/API-610 to assure extended service life.
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