Coronavirus hemagglutinin-esterase and spike proteins coevolve …
2020年9月29日 · Human coronaviruses OC43 and HKU1 are respiratory pathogens of zoonotic origin that have gained worldwide distribution. OC43 apparently emerged from a bovine coronavirus (BCoV) spillover. All three viruses attach to 9- O -acetylated sialoglycans via spike protein S with hemagglutinin-esterase (HE) acting as a receptor-destroying enzyme.
Recent Developments and Future Perspectives of Vaccines and …
2023年5月24日 · The Omicron variant is among the most mutated form; its strong transmissibility and immune resistance capacity have prompted international worry. Most mutation sites currently being studied are in the BCOV_S1_CTD of the S protein.
科学网—冠状病毒Spike蛋白简介 - 钱朝晖 - 崔胜的博文
2015年6月13日 · S1主要包含有受体结合区(receptorbinding domain, RBD),负责识别细胞的受体。 S2含有膜融合过程所需的基本元件,包括一个内在的膜融合肽(fusion peptide), 两个7肽重复序列(heptad repeat, HR),一个富含芳香族氨基酸的膜临近区域(membrane proximal external region ...
利用 S 蛋白的 BCOV_S1_CTD 对抗 SARS-CoV2 的疫苗和 ... - X-MOL
Omicron 变体是变异最严重的变体之一。其强大的传播能力和免疫抵抗能力引发国际担忧。目前正在研究的大多数突变位点都位于S蛋白的BCOV_S1_CTD中。尽管如此,仍然存在一些障碍,例如针对 SARS-CoV-2 毒株新出现的突变体开发疫苗和药物治疗功效。
Epidemiological survey and genetic diversity of bovine coronavirus …
2022年1月15日 · A high mutation rate of BCoV S1-NTD and S1-CTD was found based on similarity, phylogenetic, and selective pressure analyses. The sequence changes in the S1-NTD and S1-CTD segments of this study may provide valuable information regarding the two-RBM system and evolutionary cooperation between S1-NTD …
携带BCoV抗原表位的乙型肝炎病毒核心抗原病毒样颗粒的制备及 …
摘要: 为了制备可用于牛冠状病毒(BCoV)亚单位疫苗的含BCoV S蛋白抗原表位的病毒样颗粒(VLP),本研究将BCoV S1和S2蛋白中含B细胞表位的aa351~aa403(159 bp)和aa771~aa784(42 bp)对应的密码子按大肠杆菌偏好性原则优化后插入乙型肝炎病毒核心抗原(HBcAg)主要免疫显性区 …
The Detection and Genetic Characterization Based on the S1 Gene …
In this study, we aimed (i) to report the results of the partial characterization of the gene coding for the hypervariable region of the S1 subunit of the S protein of BCoVs detected in feces samples from two herd‐mates calves with diarrhea, and (ii) to report the epidemiological data of BCoV infection in dairy herds in Turkey.
利用S蛋白的BCOV_S1_CTD的抗SARS-CoV2疫苗和治疗剂的最近发 …
2023年5月24日 · 研究使用了bcov_s1_ctd区域的s蛋白作为研究对象,总结了sars-cov-2变异的外观和特征。 研究采用了临床研究的方法,评估了疫苗、小分子治疗药物和治疗性抗体对不同SARS-CoV-2变异株的效果。
Analysis of the BCOV_S1_CTD sequence. (A) The MSA of BCOV_S1…
(A) The MSA of BCOV_S1_CTD was performed using Crustal Omega, Sequence alignment showing the BCOV_S1_CTD in major variants of Covid-19. The critical residues for binding between SARS-CoV RBM...