Why is Bd3 a good move? - Chess Forums
2014年2月3日 · Bd3 is a simple development move that prepares short castle and puts long-term pressure on h7 (for once the black king castles). if you play 5. Bb5? I imagine 5. ..c6 would be played forcing your bishop to the side of the board where it could be attacked by pawns. one simple rule of chess is to never start an attack until all your pieces are ...
Baldur's Gate 3 Chamber of Strategy: Puzzle Solution to Chess Game
2023年8月24日 · Here are the puzzle solutions for the Chamber of Strategy trial in BG3. To solve the Chamber of Strategy, you need to do one of the following solutions in order to make “the dark king fall in two...
opening - Why is Bd3 better than any other moves ... - Chess …
2023年10月31日 · Bd3 defends the e4 pawn, (Nf6 -attacking e4- is a likely move from black at some point, especially as black can castle once this happens), it develops a bishop and by vacating the f1 square and so prepares white for a future K- side castle. The white B on the b1 -h7 diagonal is a good placement for future threats against a castled black king.
What does 'Bd3' mean? : r/chess - Reddit
2019年7月10日 · So you apparently did computer annotation of your game and Bd3 (read bishop to square d3) is the best move in the position according to the computer.
Robert Ris, Attacking the French with 3.Bd3 - A Review
In his "60 Minutes" course "Attacking the French with 3.Bd3" Robert Ris proposes an interesting move that make it difficult for players with Black to reach their favourite positional patterns: 3.Bd3!?. After 3...Nf6 4.e5 White has very good chances of a slight advantage, since in this line the move 3.Bd3 makes more sense than 3.Nd2.
Blackmar–Diemer Gambit - Wikipedia
White's main alternative to 7.Bd3 is 7.Qd2, aiming to castle queenside and giving additional support to the d4-pawn, while aiming to launch a kingside offensive with Qd2–f4 and meeting ...h6 with a dangerous Bxh6 sacrifice.
How and why Bd3 is a better move than Bd2 here? : …
2023年4月2日 · Bd3 is a book move. While black B xN b2xB bring pawn center, so theoritcally no need to Bd2. Don't pay too much attention to computer evaluation in the opening- both moves are perfectly reasonable. However, Bd3 is probably slightly better since the dark square bishop would love to go to g5 some day and going to d2 might be a waste of a move.
Why is the engine suggest Bd3? - Chess Forums
2019年2月22日 · I played Bd2 to protect my knight, but the engine called it a blunder and recommended Bd3 as a best move. I don't get why. There is no threat on D3, and black could then play Bxc3+ which I would then have to counter with xc3 and end up pawned...
Act 3 Chess Puzzle solution : r/BaldursGate3 - Reddit
2023年8月9日 · All positions are classic chess puzzle, that have a single viable solution! The problem is that the puzzles are way too difficult for pretty much anyone who hasn't regularly played chess to some degree.
3 Bd3!? - Chess Forums - Chess.com
2024年4月13日 · The main problem with 3. Bd3 is that it makes no sense without also playing c3 followed by Bc2 and d4... but this is TACTICALLY faulty because as soon as White plays c3 Black will answer with d5 and then recapture with the QUEEN, not with the Knight.