BD64 Model View - Wrong Maintenance System - SAP Community
Production is in a different CUA than our test systems. The QA system still thinks that it is in the production model view n BD64 and I cannot get it to accept the new distribution model from the CUA for our test systems. Furthermore, the entries in BD64 in the QA system are grayed out and cannot be deleted locally.
IDOC Filter - SAP Community
I created filter in the BD64, it works well if I give the exact match. I have around 20 batches for a material and not all are existing in the target system. I want to avoid creating large no of idocs. Is there a possibility of filter with a wildcard ...for eg. Filter Object OBJEK = 000000000000010353* I tried and it does not create any idocs.
SAP ERP C4C integration
Jun 2, 2022 · Hello dear experts, I have integration between SAP ERP and SAP C4C. We have customer data integrated. There is a background job RBDIMDOC scheduled in SAP ERP.
How to add a new dependent distribution object in BD64 for …
Hello, I want to add message type 'OILMAT' in the CLFMAS filter for selecting Dependent Distribution option. I am using OILMAT instead of MATMAS to distribute Material Master.
Distribution Model - SAP Community
Hi Friends, What is the use of creating the Distribution model in BD64 transaction? I have created a custom IDOC and I can able to post it from client200 to client 900 successfully, without creating t
WE20 PROBLEM - SAP Community
Hi Experts . I m transfering some data from client 800 to 100 on the same server . I have created rfc destination by sm59. logs log800 , log 100 , port zport. in we20 i have created patnter no log 800