Beriev Be-4 - Wikipedia
The Beriev Be-4 (originally designated KOR-2) was a reconnaissance flying boat built to operate from Soviet warships during World War II. In 1939, Beriev was ordered to develop a successor to the KOR-1 design, which would overcome the numerous problems encountered in operational experience with that design.
BE-4 - Wikipedia
The BE-4 (Blue Engine 4) [5] is an oxygen-rich, [6] liquefied-methane-fueled, staged-combustion, rocket engine. It is produced by Blue Origin. BE-4 was developed with private and public funding. [7] The engine produces 2,400 kilonewtons (550,000 lbf) of thrust at sea level. [8]
BE-4世界上最大的液氧甲烷发动机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
BE-4是蓝色起源(Blue Origin)太空公司(由亚马逊CEO 杰夫·贝索斯 Jeff Bezos执掌)研制的液体火箭发动机,使用的推进剂是液氧与液体甲烷,循环方式为 分级燃烧循环 ,推力室压力13.4MPa(134个大气压),海平面推力2400kN(240吨),变推力低至65%,可在在滑行过程中 ...
The BE-4 is an American-made liquid rocket engine currently under development by Blue Origin for orbital launch vehicle boost applications. The BE-4 uses liquid oxygen (LOx) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) – a commercially available form of …
Beriev Be-4 (1940) - Naval Aviation
The Be-4 was an elegant, parasol-winged monoplane with a slight inverse-gull wing. The large radial engine was mounted in a nacelle above the fuselage. Testing continued through January 1941, when series production was ordered under the designation Be-4, at a factory near Moscow.
2016年5月25日 · 海军Be-4侦察机是国内水上飞机工程技术的重要一步。 在创建之时,这艘飞船绝不逊色,并且在许多参数上都超过了同类目的最好的外国飞机。 确认这架飞机的成功设计是因为Be-4是战争期间唯一量产的苏联水上飞机。
BE-4 | Blue Origin
BE-4 is the most powerful liquefied natural gas (LNG)-fueled oxygen-rich staged combustion engine ever flown. BE-4 is capable of producing 550,000 lbf (2,450 kN) thrust with deep throttle capability.
BE-4 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰 …
be-4是由蓝色起源开发的富氧分级燃烧循环液氧甲烷火箭发动机。 发动机画廊
[航天维基搬运]BE-4 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年5月23日 · 蓝色起源的BE-4(亦称蓝色引擎)是以液态甲烷/液氧为燃料的分级燃烧循环火箭发动机。 BE-4正在由私人和公共资金开发。 该发动机的设计可在海平面产生2400 千牛顿(550,000 磅力)的推力。 最初计划将发动机专门用于Blue Origin专有的运载火箭New Glenn,这是该公司的第一枚轨道级火箭。 但是,在2014年宣布,该发动机也将用于ULA阿特拉斯V运载火箭的后继Vulcan运载火箭。 ULA最终在2018年9月做出选择。 尽管以前计划最早在2019年试 …
新格伦号运载火箭和火神半人马座运载火箭都将采用be-4,前者设计的近地轨道运载能力为45吨,后者仅为27吨。 不过,这两都太弱了,因为SpaceX现役的重型猎鹰运载火箭的近地轨道运载能力都有64吨。