Skywell BE11 | The All-New Fully-Loaded E-SUV
The Skywell BE11 presents a silhouette that’s athletic yet refined, and enhanced by the ‘Lynx’ 19” diamond-cut wheels and black skirting and window moulding. At the rear, the sculpted rear spoiler and large silver skid plate reflect the BE11’s sporty and agile nature, while the powerful Skywell-illuminated rear lightbar oozes ...
天美汽车首款纯电动汽车BE11官图发布 - 懂车帝
2020年4月1日 · 由创维集团创始人黄宏生创立的新能源汽车品牌——天美汽车,正式发布旗下首款纯电动汽车BE11官图。 该车定位为中型SUV,将于今年第三季度上市销售。 天美BE11前脸设计层次感分明符合时下潮流,前格栅的位置同两侧头灯相连,拉伸了视觉宽度。 车身侧面,腰线从前翼子板一直延续到尾灯处,该设计拉长了该车的视觉效果,同时又使该车有种向前俯冲的感觉。 同时,前后隆起的轮眉也让该车增添了几分运动感。 相比车头设计,其尾部更有几分设计感, …
【创维旗下首款汽车——天美BE11官图亮_车家号_发现车生活_汽 …
【创维旗下首款汽车——天美be11官图亮相,将于今年秋季上市】日前,天美汽车官方正式发布了旗下首款纯电动中型suv车型——be11的官图。 从图片来看,新车在外观方面设计还算比较保守,没有过多让人眼前一亮的造型亮点。
Skywell BE11 Review 2025, Price & Specs - What Car?
2024年11月29日 · Read the definitive Skywell BE11 2025 review from the expert What Car? team. Check specs, prices, performance and compare with similar cars.
续航500km、第三季度上市,天美汽车BE11官图发布 - 懂车帝
2020年4月1日 · 【有车以后 新车】近日,造车新势力天美汽车发布了一组旗下首款纯电动中型SUV——BE11的官图,新车的NEDC工况续航里程约为500km,将于今年三季度上市。 BE11前脸设计看上去一点也不像是电动车,上下分层的黑色中网格栅让人以为是一台燃油车。 上方的中网与前大灯组相接,使得车头具备更扁平的视觉效果。 车身侧面,腰线由前翼子板一直延伸到尾灯,显得动感紧致。 据了解,BE11的车身长度约为4700mm,轴距为2800mm。 内饰方面,BE11 …
The Skywell BE11 is a mid-size electric SUV that’ll reach ... - Top Gear
2024年5月10日 · Well, it’s about to receive even more support in the form of the Skywell BE11 - a new mid-size SUV from China. From launch we're told that the BE11 will come with a 201bhp electric motor and a...
Skywell Sweden
Skywell brings innovation and technology together with the BE11, our flagship electric SUV designed for the modern driver. Experience a blend of luxury, efficiency, and performance, all wrapped in a package that redefines what an electric vehicle can be.
Electric Cars, Suvs, Trucks & Vans | Skywell Vehicles Official Site
Fast-charging mode: three guns DC charging, charging for 1h-1.5h, making life more convenient. Apply for comprehensive working conditions, heavy-duty downhill and heavy-duty uphill. Independently-developed battery, motor, electronic control.
2024 Skywell BE11 - World Car Specifications
2024年5月28日 · The Skywell BE11 is a front wheel drive vehicle, with the powerplant placed in the front, and a 5 door suv/sports utility vehicle body. Powering the Skywell BE11 is a powerplant that provides power and torque figures of 201 bhp (204 PS/150 kW) and 320 N·m (236 lb·ft/32.6 kgm) respectively.
Skywell BE11 Long Range - EV Database
All details and specs of the Skywell BE11 Long Range (2024). Compare price, lease, real-world range and consumption of every electric vehicle.