BE-12 Benchmark Survey: Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
2023年5月31日 · It's time for BEA's benchmark survey of foreign direct investment in the United States, conducted every five years. The BE-12 is our most comprehensive survey on financial and operating data of U.S. affiliates of foreign multinational enterprises. …
I am required to file a BE-12 report. Which form do I file?
2011年4月20日 · File for reporting U.S. affiliates that are majority-owned by foreign parents at the end of the fiscal year that ended in calendar year 2022 if any one of the following three items—total assets, sales or gross operating revenues excluding sales taxes, or net income (loss) after provision for U.S., State, and local income taxes—exceeded $300 mill...
Beriev Be-12 - Wikipedia
The Beriev Be-12 Chayka (Russian: Бериева Бе-12 Чайка, romanized: Chayka, lit. ' gull ', NATO reporting name: Mail) is a Soviet turboprop -powered amphibious aircraft designed in the 1950s for anti-submarine and maritime patrol duties.
Am I required to file the BE-12 benchmark survey?
2018年3月15日 · A BE-12 report is required for each U.S. affiliate, i.e., for each U.S. business enterprise (including real estate held for non-personal use) in which a foreign person or entity owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, 10 percent or more of the voting securities if an incorporated U.S. business enterprise, or an equivalent interest if an uni...
Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.12 - Wikipedia
The Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.12 was a British single-seat aeroplane of The First World War designed at the Royal Aircraft Factory. It was essentially a single-seat version of the B.E.2.
Be-12 (航空機) - Wikipedia
Be-12 チャーイカ (Be-12 チャイカ 、ベリエフ12チャイカ; ロシア語 Бе-12 Чайкаビェー・ドヴィナーッツァチ・チャーイカ)は、 ソビエト連邦 の G・M・ベリーエフ記念タガンローク航空科学技術複合体 (TANTKベリーエフ)で開発された 水陸両用 飛行艇。 愛称の「チャイカ」はロシア語で「鴎」のこと。 特徴的な ガル型翼 (鴎のように「へ」の字型に曲がった翼形)に由来する愛称である。 北大西洋条約機構 (NATO)では、Be-12に対し「鎖帷子」という意味の「メイル …
探秘前苏联Be-12水上飞机内部结构 - 网易
2024年4月25日 · 别(Be)-12“海鸥”是苏联的涡轮螺旋桨式水陆两用飞机,其主要任务是搜索和摧毁敌方潜艇。 今天跟随摄影师兼私人飞行员伊戈尔·科洛科洛夫(Igor Kolokolov)在2013年和2021年拍摄的别(Be)-12编号为“25”的飞机的照片来探讨这架飞行船的结构。 别(Be)-12在莫宁。 1975-1981年。 别(Be)-12是一种高翼飞机,采用经典布局,具有“海鸥”式机翼。 非收起式浮筒支架安装在机翼控制面上。 浮筒。 没有龙骨,而是在稳定尾翼末端安装了龙骨片。 龙骨 …
Direct Investment Surveys: BE-12, Benchmark Survey of Foreign …
2022年9月29日 · The final rule amends regulations of the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to set forth the reporting requirements for the 2022 BE-12, Benchmark Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States. The BE-12 survey is conducted every five years; the prior survey covered 2017.
Understanding BEA Requirements - BE-13, BE-15, BE-605, BE-12 …
In this blog post, we will help you understand the big picture and the key insights & hidden watch-outs. Additionally, and you can do the SELF-ASSESSMENT to understand your BEA requirements for BE-12, BE-13, BE-15 and BE-605. How Do I Decide Which Survey I Should File? What Do You Need to Do If You Haven’t Filed on Time?
北汽蓝谷:构建BE11、BE22、BE21三个整车研发平台,BE22平台 …
2024年2月19日 · 其中:BE22平台是公司高端智能电车平台,在底盘先进性、三电、和智能网联、自动驾驶等方面具备较高的竞争力,未来会持续拓展多款车型。 本文源自:金融界AI电报. 作者:公告君.