Katmai National Park's Bear 402 Has Been Killed - Green Matters
2024年10月1日 · Katmai bear 402 was killed by a male bear by the name of 469. Bear 402 faced off against a male grizzly named 469 on Monday, Sept. 30, 2024. The video of the attack …
402 - Katmai Bearcams Wiki
Watch this Meet Bear 402 video by Mike Fitz, Resident Naturalist with Explore.org to learn identification and distinctive behaviors that will help you identify 402. 402 is often seen at …
A Heartfelt Farewell To Katmai National Park’s Bear 402
2024年10月15日 · On September 30, Bear 402 in Katmai National Park was attacked and killed by Bear 469. The killing was caught and viewed by many through the Explore.org live cameras …
Fat Bear Week Postponed After Bear 402 Killed on Livestream
2024年10月2日 · In the wake of 402’s death, Katmai and Explore.org postponed the reveal of this year’s Fat Bear Week bracket from Monday to Tuesday evening. 402 was the most prolific …
Death of a Bear and Fat Bear Week Bracket Postponed at Katmai …
2024年9月30日 · KING SALMON, Alaska ---This morning bear #469 attacked and killed bear #402 at Brooks River, downriver from Brooks Falls, in Katmai National Park. The incident was …
Fat Bear Week delayed after a large bear kills a rival bear
2024年10月1日 · Fat Bear Week, a celebration of brown bears’ survival instincts, brought a grisly reminder of the animals’ predatory nature on Monday, when a male bear, 469, killed a female, …
Bear death caught on camera pushes back Fat Bear Week plans
Officials at the park in Alaska confirmed an adult male bear identified as 469, a.k.a. “Patches,” killed an adult female, 402. The latter was a repeat contestant in Fat Bear Week, an online...
Fat Bear Week delayed after a ‘beloved bear’ dies on camera
2024年10月1日 · Video footage shows bear number 469 attacking bear number 402 and apparently drowning her after a struggle. He then dragged her body to shore, presumably to …
‘Difficult to Witness’: On-Camera Grizzly Death Postpones Fat Bear …
2024年10月1日 · That’s where an adult male known as 469 fought with an older female — a previous Fat Bear Week contestant known as Bear 402. Although the bears were about the …
Katmai After Hours: The Story of 856 and 402 – The 4b.io Nature
2014年7月24日 · Several times 402 came inches from the platform, and when 402 was near, you knew 856 wasn’t far. At times their behavior was cute, but most of the time it was as you would …