Bear meat | Smoking Meat Forums - The Best Smoking Meat …
Jan 23, 2021 · Bear meat has a … funk that is hard to describe. Some like it, not me. In December, a member of our morning coffee club brought samples of sausage and jerky he made up. Confirmed my taste buds from years ago, bear is best fed to others. Internal temp of 165° is the recommended minimum for fresh meat to kill (potential) pathogens.
is there a good smoke recipe for front quarter bear meat
Sep 24, 2024 · I've done 1 shoulder roast off a bear, I brine in soy sauce, brown sugar & Dr. Pepper. Then treated it much like a pork shoulder. Took the internal up to 200 ish and pulled the roast. I believe internal should be at least 165 for bear. It was pretty good, but still greasy bear meat. Not a big favorite of mine.
Smokin Bear Meat | Smoking Meat Forums - The Best Smoking …
Jul 5, 2005 · Most of the meat I have cooked has been either in the form of steaks or stew meat. The only advice I have on cooking bear meat involves the season in which it was taken. Some states have a spring season. Spring bear tends to be a lot stronger flavored than fall bear when they have been eating fruit, nuts and berries.
Bear Meat snack stick recipe needed - Smoking Meat Forums
Sep 19, 2020 · Finally put some bear meat in the freezer and am looking for a good bear meat snack stick recipe. I plan to mix it 75/25 or 50/50 bear/deer to cut the bear fat.
Smoking bear | Smoking Meat Forums - The Best Smoking Meat …
Sep 10, 2009 · LOL-----Seriously, the only bear meat I ever had was in the form of a roast. I liked it a lot, and I thought it tasted like a good beef roast. People equate bear to pork, because bears are in the "pig" family----as in Boars & Sows. The bears around my house are a little tough, because they are made of pine or larch.
Bear's "Step by Step" Index - Smoking Meat Forums
Mar 21, 2014 · Bear Jr's Back Yard Landscaping Project Bear Jr's Bandsaw Box Bear Jr's Homemade Gifts for Mom & Dad How to Grow Great Tomato Plants Chuckles: Bacon Cheeseburger Tutorials (Step by Steps Only) from Friends That Cook & Smoke: Gary's Smokes & Smoking Information Disco's Smokes SQWIBS Cooks Jeff's Smoking Meat The Smoking …
Bear summer sausage - Smoking Meat Forums
Oct 27, 2016 · I like making summer sausage with 2/3rds red meat to 1/3rd fairly lean pork. For cooking I like just setting in the smoker to dry at 100º for the first hour, then bump to 130º adding smoke for a couple more hours and then bump it to 170º (I never go higher than 190º) to an interanl meat temp of 155º.
Made Pepperoni snack sticks with BearCarvers Bearloaf recipe
Jul 26, 2013 · Thanks Bear, and Thank you for suggesting your recipe, I have been trying to get a flavor in a snack stick without using a seasoning kit for quite while. With your recipe, I'm pretty sure I have found what I have been looking for. I am taking out enough meat from the freezer today to make a 6# batch early next week.
Black Bear Jerky with Pics - Smoking Meat Forums
Feb 17, 2018 · I make a lot of jerky and share much of it with coworkers, one of whom shot a nice black bear back in early August. He asked me to make some jerky for him out of two roasts that weighed about 2.5 pounds in total. I told 5 pounds would be better but this was all he was willing to spare. So of...
Bear meat | Page 2 | Smoking Meat Forums - The Best Smoking …
Jan 25, 2021 · WARNING---"Another Bear Story": I've had Bear Meat from 4 different Bears taken in PA: None were exceptionally big, but here they are: One was from near Marshalls Creek, PA, and was about 350 lbs. It was a little greasy, but not that bad. It had been eating a lot of corn, because it lived near a...