Heroes Color's Codes | DC Universe Online Forums
2015年3月22日 · Hi guys! This is a guide to tell you the colors of some heroes and in the future villians from DC comics, to help you make your "cosplay" character based...
Best Beast Boy Build? | DC Universe Online Forums
2020年1月31日 · For a goof, I decided to recreate Beast Boy using nature powers so he could change into Gorilla, Insectoid, Wolf, etc. And its a lot of fun. Has anyone else done this? And if so what powers do you think work best with each transformation? And how crazy is it to have all creatures available on your first damage line?
DC Character Loadouts | DC Universe Online Forums
2013年10月20日 · Beast Boy: Power- Nature, Weapon- Brawler, Movement- Acrobatics Damage Loadout: Hive Mind, Launching Roll ...
Neon Technomancer Time Capsule Recap | DC Universe Online …
2023年2月2日 · 11. Beast Boy Cell Sample 12. Bat from the Beyond Collection: Aesthetic Augmentations Reward: Cybernetic Skin Set - 50 pts feat 1. Subdermal Glow 2. External Linework 3. Homeostatic Enabler 4. Cryogenic Drain 5. Nano-Neurotransmitters 6. Heat Exhaust Port 7. Organic Catalyst Buffer 8. Synergetic Regulator 9. UV Shielding Jack 10. Aesthetic ...
Solo DPS Build? | DC Universe Online Forums - Daybreak Game …
2021年3月8日 · That's me Tanking Metal Beast Boy as a DPS using the Lernaea's Amulet self-healing method. Today. Literally ten minutes ago. Enjoy. Edit: There is a Nature Healer present, they are not in my group (I'm not IN a group in this clip) - the bulk of the Healing done in here is Lern's driven. Three Caveats:
Heroes Color's Codes | Page 12 | DC Universe Online Forums
2015年3月22日 · Don't know the codes, but depends on the dressings. Armor, Bronze or Gold tint, Weapons again Bronze or Steel, depending on the feel you want, Cloth bits should look a almost Wheat color in order to get that ancient linen look.
Through the Belly of the Beast | EverQuest 2 Forums
2021年1月14日 · I am currently up to step 8 of this quest but I cannot find the instance needed when I click on the Echo Caverns door, am I missing something or am I having a boy look. EQII Wiki quotes the following as the step I'm up to:
New beast Aa | EverQuest Forums - Daybreak Game Company
2014年10月27日 · “My quick look found only 1 good personal DPS upgrade for beastlords (bestial alignment). Will be continuing to use several of our key RoF spells/discs unchanged for the next year it appears, but at least gives them something to upgrade with next non-level expansion I …
3box Beastlord | EverQuest Forums - Daybreak Game Company
2017年12月15日 · Boy ol boy.. I think.. I think. Hmm power play the bst.. add Brd and ranger. Tracking.. different types of CC.. and mostly ATTACK ATTACK.. ok. Druid adds nice adps, dps and heals too.. but I would think if boxing with a bst.. I want to focus 90% of that play to him. PC Tank offers alot but takes more attention from him.
An Ungainly Beast | EverQuest Forums
[Sun Apr 19 22:24:42 2020] You strike an Ungainly Beast for 2343 points of damage. (Strikethrough) [Sun Apr 19 22:24:42 2020] You strike an Ungainly Beast for 2343 points of damage. [Sun Apr 19 22:24:42 2020] You strike an Ungainly Beast for 2343 points of damage. [Sun Apr 19 22:24:42 2020] An Ungainly Beast tries to hit YOU, but misses! (Riposte)