How to beat UI in 3 Minutes: UI Counterplay Guide : r/dbfz
2021年3月3日 · UI beats impatience, so if you're able to be patient and react you can counter him. All of his moves are reactable. Try it on ranked with 5 frames and spikes to 7 frames tho. not …
Beat - Dragon Ball Wiki
Beat, a Saiyan hybrid descendant of Goku, can transform into a Super Saiyan naturally. He attains his Super Saiyan form after an encounter with Legendary Super Saiyan Broly and his …
DBFZ - UI Goku Strategy - Dustloop Wiki
2024年10月15日 · Keep calm and 2H his plus punch until the other player shows you they will adapt to this. If not, keep doing it. Jumping on reaction is a very strong option against UI flips if …
DBFZ - UI Goku Overview - Dustloop Wiki
2025年2月18日 · Goku (Ultra Instinct), referred to as UI Goku by the community, is characterized by his strong defensive prowess and a preference for mental stack over 50/50s. He is easy to …
Dragon Ball FighterZ UI Goku Guide Featuring Noka - DashFight
2022年9月15日 · Improve your UI Goku skills with this video guide by Noka, a DBFZ pro player. Check out the best moves, helpful tips, and quite a few effective BnB combos.
How to Beat UI in 3 minutes: UI Counterplay Guide - Reddit
2021年3月3日 · Counter play exists for every character, not just UI. To be fair UI is not broken, there are characters with better offense and tools than him. By learning how to counter him …
Can't beat UI Goku as Jiren... :: DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO …
2024年10月19日 · If you go into sparking mode and then do a little combo and end it with a super, itll connect every time. that really trivializes the game though but if you just want to beat it and …
UI Goku - Dragon Ball Z Team Training Wiki
Blaze: Ups Fire moves in a pinch. National Scouter Required: Only obtained through evolution. The Japanese name for Ultra Instinct is Migatte no Goku'i, or "Mastery of Self-Movement". …
How do I beat UI Goku in Fuu's Quests? :: DRAGON BALL …
2021年2月19日 · I'm a male saiyan, focussed on Basic Damage and Ki Blast Supers. My HP and Stamina are pretty low though. I lose most of my stamina against Blue Goku so I have hardly …
Am I the only person who thinks full power dbs broly could beat ui …
UI sign Goku beat Kefla so I’m going to go with no. Your implying ui sign is as strong as blue gogeta which is just not true. There really isn’t any way to tell for sure. In the movie, Broly …