Plans or kit for Bede BD-10 EDF - RC Groups
2004年5月26日 · Dave Webb (Speedfreak) is the designer. The thread is: BD-10 for EDF 40. He is also working on a BD-5J and is the first to get an EDF BD-5J to fly. Here is that Thread: BD-5J Foam EDF You can find more BD info at my web site ScaleBD.com. I have now added a NIB Bill Griggs BD-10 kit to my collection . A rare find. Joe
OO7 JET! (Depron Bede BD-5, with plans) - RC Groups
2009年11月13日 · 10: May 03, 2015 10:54 AM: Plans or kit for Bede BD-10 EDF: byrocat: Foamy EDFs: 24: Jan 12, 2015 09:05 PM: Sold: Teltech BD-5 pusher jet NIB: gliders: Electric RC Airplanes (FS/W) 5: Sep 07, 2009 09:42 PM: Wanted: BeDe 5 BD-5 airplane, Cermark, HobbyClub etc. gliders: Electric RC Airplanes (FS/W) 3: Apr 01, 2007 06:06 AM: Bede BD-5 …
OO7 JET! (Depron Bede BD-5, with plans) - Page 10 - RC Groups
2009年11月23日 · Page 10-Build Log OO7 JET! (Depron Bede BD-5, with plans) Foamies (Scratchbuilt)
OO7 JET! (Depron Bede BD-5, with plans) - Page 8 - RC Groups
2009年11月20日 · There were three wing span options for the prop version but only one for the BD-5J (jet powered version). Compared to the jet version, this model's wing span is actually shorter than scale by 6". The scale wing tip chord length would be 105mm (4.133").
Bd-10 - RC Groups
2024年7月2日 · Years back, Bill Griggs had a small BD-10 kit, for 70mm EDF if I recall correctly. In cases like this, your best bet is to design and build one for yourself. Latest blog entry: My 2022 event schedule.
BEDE BD-5 Plans? - RC Groups
2008年9月12日 · One of my favorite planes is the BEDE BD-5 and BD-5J. I was wondering if anyone has seen plans for a sport model in foam or balsa. Hardest part I can see is the balance with the motor way in the back. There's a 17-inch version of Nick de Carlis' balsa model in one of the threads on this forum, Seach for "bd-5a" and you should find it. Best regards,
OO7 JET! (Depron Bede BD-5, with plans) - Page 78 - RC Groups
2012年5月22日 · 10: May 03, 2015 10:54 AM: Plans or kit for Bede BD-10 EDF: byrocat: Foamy EDFs: 24: Jan 12, 2015 09:05 PM: Sold: Teltech BD-5 pusher jet NIB: gliders: Electric RC Airplanes (FS/W) 5: Sep 07, 2009 09:42 PM: Wanted: BeDe 5 BD-5 airplane, Cermark, HobbyClub etc. gliders: Electric RC Airplanes (FS/W) 3: Apr 01, 2007 06:06 AM: Bede BD-5 …
Bede BD-5J from Aero Ace Gear - RC Groups
2007年4月25日 · I decided to finish the model anyway (the BD-5 looks great), and to build it to accommodate different wings to experiment with (6mm Depron wing is sanded to a Clark Y airfoil). I have built a 3" chord wing as seen in the picture and will add a 2-1/2" one also.
Bede BD5 - RC Groups
2021年2月28日 · BEDE BD5 jet: cruzzer1500: Electric RC Jets (FS/W) 3: Feb 09, 2020 08:13 AM: Discussion: Designing a simple build Depron Bede BD5- is it worth the effort? vleisie: Foamies (Scratchbuilt) 41: Nov 13, 2009 01:50 PM: Discussion: OK Models Japan. Bede BD5: john whitehead: Electric Plane Talk: 2: Nov 25, 2007 11:41 AM: Discussion: Help! Bede BD5 C ...
1/2 Scale BD-5 - Page 2 - RC Groups
2022年10月6日 · Page 2-Discussion 1/2 Scale BD-5 Scratchbuilt EDFs. Its a NACA 2412 airfoil. Bede airfoils: Bede BD-10, NACA 65-006, NACA 65-206