Bedia (caste) - Wikipedia
Distribution of Bedia community in India. The Bedia who have settled down in West Bengal, are also known as the Bede or Bedia. They speak in Nagpuri, an Indo-Aryan language, at home and Bengali for inter-group communication. The Bengali and Devanagari scripts are used. [1]The 2011 Census of India for Uttar Pradesh, where they were classified as a Scheduled Caste under the name Beriya, showed ...
Khakranagla, Bharatpur - Wikipedia
Khakranagla is an Indian village located in the Bharatpur district of Rajasthan. It is situated approximately 200 kilometers from Delhi and is known for its unique socio-economic dynamics. It is predominantly inhabited by families of the Bedia caste, [1] who have historically been associated with traditional dance and entertainment.
Bedia - Tribal Welfare Research Institute Jharkhand
BEDIA (caste) The Bedia are a community in India. They believe that they originally lived on Mohdipahar and have descended from the union of Vedbansi prince with a Munda girl.
Bedia Community Culture: A Journey of Art, Survival, and Challenges
2023年6月15日 · The Bedia community faced significant challenges in the post-independence era. Despite being included in the Scheduled Caste category under the Indian Constitution, they struggled to benefit from the state’s provisions. Poverty, insecurity, and prostitution became prevalent within the community.
Prostitution in northern Central India: an ethnographical study of ...
2020年3月3日 · Although Bedia people claim that the government has not done anything for them, yet Bedias are included in the scheduled caste (SC) category. They are unable to get reservation benefits because of their own illiteracy.
Bedia | Art & Culture
An important social basis for the separation of castes and tribes is that there is a lack of caste system among the tribes but Vedia is suffering from chronological order. Bedia also holds the title "Vedia" and "Manjhi" with her name.
Transformation of a Bedia Tribal Group of Eastern India: Ecology ...
Though they prefer endogamous union, marriage between a Bedia and caste Hindu individual is permitted. In fact the composition of the group, marriage practice, political and socio-religious life are well adapted to the nature of their occupation.
Bedia (caste) - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2024年10月11日 · The Bedia, sometimes pronounced Beria, are a Hindu caste found in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India. The community has several names, like Bedia Kudmi, Choto Kudmi, Shershahbadia, Bhathia, Wandering Kurmis, Maldahiya and Badia, as well as Bedia. However, the official name is Sharshahbadia.
Bedia - SEL India
Traditionally, they were engaged in singing and dancing to entertain kings and zamindars (landowners), using these folk performances as a means of survival for their community. As of June 30, 2008, the Bedia have been recognized under the Scheduled Caste category according to the Indian Constitution Scheduled Castes Order of 1950.
Bedia (caste) - Bharatpedia
The Bedia are a community in India. They believe that they originally lived on Mohdipahar and have descended from the union of Vedbansi prince with a Munda girl. The other view is that a section of the Kudmis were outcastes and came to be known as the Bedia or Wandering Kudmis.
(PDF) Socioeconomic Study on Bediya Community of
2018年9月1日 · Bodos don’t have different caste combinations but they have their clans among them. According to the works the clans are made. They follow the Batho religion.
(PDF) Bedia - Academia.edu
Traditionally, each Bedia settlement consists of a paich, or caste council. These remain informal, and there is no India-wide formal caste association. The council consists of a hakim or headman, a jurist or mahat and a dhuli or messenger.
Bedia is an endogamous community divided into a number of totemistic exogamous clans such as fnecha , sonkhowar, katiyar, Hindower, rhecha, byan, katihar bar (banyan tree), biha / binjha (fish), chidra / cherra (squirrel), dhechua (black bird), dian kachua / kachchh (tortoise), khopcha/ pecha (owl), mohanadi (river), mohua (Basialatifolia), mohu...
Asian Ethnology
Various Bedia groups were once nothing more than a mosaic of disparate groups living off of a number of specialized skills or occupations not pursued by their caste-oriented neighbors. From this stage of adaptation they devised three different ways of life: sedentary (very few), semi-sedentary (greatest portion), and nomadic (also few).
(PDF) Socioeconomic Study on Bediya Community of Burakocha …
This study is about the lifestyle of the Bedia community in the village Nagrabera of Jharkhand. Bedia is a primitive tribe of India who are isolated from the mainstream. In Nagrabera the major findings of us is the sex ration is so much high and the girls are more educated than the boys.
Family Sex Trafficking Among the Bedia Caste of India: Defying …
Yet, the commercial sexual exploitation of children thrives in many rural Indian villages, fueled by caste discrimination, family tradition, and poverty. In response, this study aimed to investigate minor sex trafficking among a particular culturally unique and geographically isolated population, in relation to the dominant human trafficking ...
A life-course perspective of sex trafficking among the bedia caste …
Thousands of Indian women and girls enter the commercial sex industry (CSI) annually based solely on membership in particular castes (e.g., Bedia, Nat). CSI-involved females bear the burden of sustaining entire family units on money earned in the sex trade; it is a life-long responsibility with negl …
A life-course perspective of sex trafficking among the bedia caste …
2022年12月1日 · Thousands of Indian women and girls enter the commercial sex industry (CSI) annually based solely on membership in particular castes (e.g., Bedia, Nat). CSI-involved females bear the burden of sustaining entire family units on money earned in the sex trade; it is a life-long responsibility with negligible social status or personal indemnity.
Family Sex Trafficking Among the Bedia Caste of India: Defying …
2022年2月13日 · Framed by the social theory of intersectionality, we sought to (1) identify vulnerabilities for commercial sex industry entry among Bedia youth and (2) examine the cultural context of the...
(PDF) Life-Course Analysis of Bedia Caste Sex Trafficking in India
The study discusses traditional prostitution practices among some communities in the state, such as Banchhada, Bedia, and Kanjar. They have long been involved in institutional prostitution and sex trafficking. These communities depend on prostitution proceeds from their sisters and daughters to survive.