BEFUDDLE中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
Anyone who tries to discover exactly what will happen will find himself befogged and befuddled by this situation. That is all it means, so do not let us get befuddled about the word "sincere" and think it means something holy. They are right not to do so, because they would become completely befuddled.
BEFUDDLE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BEFUDDLE is to muddle or stupefy with or as if with drink. How to use befuddle in a sentence.
BEFUDDLE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Federer has a wide repertoire of clever shots that befuddle even the best of his opponents. When we try to find design in nature, especially on the large scale, we are befuddled. The range and …
BEFUDDLE在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译 - Cambridge Dictionary
Anyone who tries to discover exactly what will happen will find himself befogged and befuddled by this situation. It is purely and simply befuddled, bureaucratic arrogance. Infected with gold …
BEFUDDLE——含义、同义词和翻译| 柯林斯英语词典资源
befuddle是什么意思_befuddle的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词 …
爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供befuddle的中文意思,befuddle的用法讲解,befuddle的读音,befuddle的同义词,befuddle的反义词,befuddle的例句等英语服务。 首页 翻译
2024年12月28日 · 这种心理状态可以被描述为 befuddled ,意思是感到困惑或迷惑。 困惑 是面对过多选择或矛盾信息时的常见体验。 以现代学生为例,他们面临着无数课程、课外活动和社交活动的选择。
befuddle - 百度百科
欧路词典|英汉-汉英词典 befuddle是什么意思_befuddle的中文解释和发音_befuddle的翻译_befuddle …
使迷惑;使昏沉. v. 1. John is very amusing when he is completely befuddled. 约翰喝得完全 糊涂 了的时候, 他非常有趣儿。 声明:以上例 、词性分类均由互联网资源自动生成,部分未经过人工审核,其表达内容亦不代表本软件的观点;若发现问题,欢迎向我们指正。 『欧路词典』为您提供befuddle的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的befuddle的中文意思,befuddle的读音,befuddle的同义词,befuddle的反义词,befuddle的例句。
Befuddle - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
To befuddle is to confuse. A sticky exam question can befuddle you, or an awkward question about your whereabouts the night before (how can you remember? You were befuddled, after all.)