Behavior Design Lab
Behavior Design is a new approach to understanding human behavior and how to design for behavior change. Based on the work of Dr. BJ Fogg , Behavior Design offers a comprehensive set of models and methods that work together to give you a …
About Us - Behavior Design Lab
Our team is the global authority in a new and systematic way to design for behavior change, an approach we call “Behavior Design.” This is a new way to: (1) think clearly about human behavior and (2) design solutions that create lasting change. Why we created Behavior Design
Behavior Wizard | Behavior Design Lab
The Behavior Wizard expands the Behavior Grid and the Fogg Behavior Model by combining our best work into one easy-to-use solution. While the Behavior Wizard is a past project we are no longer updating, it is still a very popular one that we invite you to explore.
The Ethical Use of Persuasive Technology - Behavior Design Lab
While our research has moved on from persuasive technology to focus on designing for healthy behavior change, we believe it is important to continue to highlight the ethical contributions in the field of Persuasive Technology so that those who are responsible for designing persuasive technologies can do so in an ethical way.
Research & Projects - Behavior Design Lab
Behavior Design Lab. Web Login Address. Behavior Design Lab Rogers House 581 Capistrano Way Stanford, CA 94305 United States. [email protected]; Stanford University (link is external) Stanford Home (link is external) Maps & Directions (link is external) Search Stanford (link is external)
Climate Action Training - Behavior Design Lab
Two pilot tests confirmed that (1) climate change professionals need more guidance in behavior change and (2) our behavior design methods helped them be more confident in their projects. We will further improve this training and then seek to scale it, measuring the impact all along the way.
Rosetta Project - Behavior Design Lab
We will do this using our skills in Behavior Design. That means research, design, testing, and iteration. After we show that a new program works (with Stanford students, for example), we will then use Stanford's resources to scale the program beyond campus.
Upregulating Positive Emotions | Behavior Design Lab
As a lab team, we've compiled over 200 techniques for upregulating positive emotion (the largest collection ever). We are now exploring, through design and research, how to match people with the best techniques. For example, our lab just began offering a 20-minute online training program for the general public.
Reducing Screentime with Screentime Genie - Behavior Design Lab
Screentime Genie uses principles of behavior design to match users with customized sets of solutions that are contextually relevant to the platforms they use, proportionate to the time they have available to invest, and the most effective based on available research.
Fogg Behavior Model - Behavior Design Lab
The Fogg Behavior Model shows that three elements must converge at the same moment for a behavior to occur: Motivation, Ability, and a Prompt. When a behavior does not occur, at least one of those three elements is missing.