Boro - Bejo
Productive variety with smooth, dark red beets and strong green tops. Suitable for warmer, humid conditions. Strong foliage with good disease resistance, slightly high round roots, widely …
Boro F1 | Bejo
Harvest as mini beet, or whole pickling beets. Stores well. A smooth dark red beet. Tops have excellent disease resistance. Also available as conventional seed.
Continuously working on robust, reliable varieties | Bejo
Boro, dating from 1995, was an even stronger grower that did better in difficult climate conditions. These two names name the varieties with which Bejo gained a good position in the market. In …
Beet - Bejo
Bejo is a real specialist in breeding red beets. We have a strong and reliable range, with varieties suitable for the fresh market and the (juice) processing industry, grown and processed all over …
Boro | Bejo Brazil
Beterraba líder no mercado que busca qualidade, apresenta raízes muito lisas e uniformes, com excelente coloração tanto interna quanto externa. As folhas são verde-escuras e de tamanho …
Bejo Boro Beetroot Seed Starting @ ₹ 988.43 | BigHaat
Strong foliage with good disease resistance. Slightly high round roots. Bejo Boro Beetroot Seeds Buy Online At Best Price In India. We Have Top Brands Available At Our Store. Cash On …
- 评论数: 3
食用甜菜种子 - BORO F1 - Bejo Zaden B.V. - 红色 / 圆形 - AgriExpo
规格型号:BORO F1,公司品牌:Bejo Zaden B.V.。 直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。 寻找更多国外精选食用甜菜种子产品和供应商采购信息,尽在AgriExpo。
Boro F1 | Bejo Slovakia
Silný zdravý Chrást lepšie odoláva listovým chorobám. Vegetačná doba cca 110 dní.
Home | Bejo China
Bejo已有100多年历史,为全球食物产业链提供优质蔬菜种子。Bejo拥有 40个作物的1000多个不同类型的品种,可满足不同市场和气候类型的需要。Bejo根据市场需求,进行蔬菜品种的选育…
Home | Bejo Brazil
Permanecemos próximos da natureza para desenvolver as melhores sementes de hortaliças, afim de que os produtores de todo o mundo possam colher cultivares saudáveis e saborosas …