Belenus - Wikipedia
Belenus (Gaulish: Belenos, Belinos) is an ancient Celtic healing god. The cult of Belenus stretched from the Italian Peninsula to the British Isles, with a main sanctuary located at Aquileia, on the Adriatic coast.
Belenus | Celtic God, Sun God, Fire God | Britannica
Belenus, (Celtic: possibly, Bright One), one of the most ancient and most widely worshipped of the pagan Celtic deities; he was associated with pastoralism. A great fire festival, called Beltane (or Beltine), was held on May 1 and was probably originally connected with his cult.
百勒努斯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
百勒努斯(英語: Belenus ) [1] 凯尔特神话 神祇之一。 长期于 高卢 与 不列颠 地区得到崇拜与传播(即今 法国 、 奥地利 、 英国 与 西班牙 等 西欧 与 中欧 国家 ),具有重要地影响与积极意义。
Belenus: The Celtic God of Fire and Light - Old World Gods
Explore the intriguing connections between Belenus Celtic myth and legend and the world of herbal medicine. In this section, we delve into the plant associated with Belenus, known as henbane, and uncover its potential healing and medicinal properties, illustrating the diverse aspects of Belenus’s worship and his association with health and ...
虚空 - 非官方WARFRAME中文维基 | 星际战甲 | 戰甲神兵 - 灰 …
Belenus 是凯尔特神话中的治愈与光之神。 Ukko 是芬兰神话中的天空与雷电之神。 Oxomoco 是阿兹特克文明中的夜之女神。 Marduk 是美索不达米亚文明中的创生,水源,农业之神。 Mithra 是琐罗亚斯德教中的契约,誓言之神。 Mot 是古迦南教中的死神。 Aten 是阿滕教中 ...
Belenus: Mighty Gaulish God Of Light Often Associated With Lugh …
2020年2月6日 · The Gaulish god Belenus (Belinus/Belenos), whose worship goes back to deep antiquity, was a widely recognized deity associated with healing, springtime festival, protection, and, on occasion, with the sun.
Belenus: Rich Legacy of the Celtic Sun God - MythoHub
2024年1月7日 · Belenus, the Celtic sun god, stands as a captivating figure in mythology, embodying the quintessential traits of light, healing, and protection. The exploration of his origins, worship practices, and enduring influence reveals a deity deeply intertwined with the natural world and the spiritual life of the Celts.
Belenos - Gods and Goddesses
A Celtic Deity, also known as Belen, Belenus, Belinus, Bellinus, Bélénos, Belennos, Belenos, Bel, Bilé: The Shining God. Belenos is unusual in Celtic belief, as this deity (under the various version of his name) is known throughout the Celtic world. He is also remembered in place names and personal names throughout the Celtic lands.
Belenus - Gods and Monsters
Belenus’s powers extend beyond mere healing; he is a deity of light and clarity, a harbinger of rejuvenation and a protector against the dark blights of the world. His influence is said to have reached beyond the Celtic realms, touching the hearts and spirits of those far afield through the radiant beams of the sun itself.
Belenus | Kamboozal
Belenus is a prominent deity in Celtic mythology, often associated with fire, healing, and the sun. He is considered a protective and benevolent god who brings light and warmth to the world. Belenus is also associated with the festival of Beltane, which celebrates fertility, growth, and the arrival of summer.
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