Bell V-247 - Unmanned & Unmatched, Precision Strike Anti …
With longer cruise time, and more than 2,000 lbs of internal cargo capacity, the Bell V-247 can accommodate any cargo, any mission, anywhere. Take off immediately, no runway necessary. With Vertical take-off landing (VTOL) and Short Takeoff Landing (STOVL) the V-247 lets you lift off from any domain.
Bell V-247 Vigilant - Wikipedia
The Bell V-247 Vigilant is a concept by Bell Helicopter to develop a large tiltrotor unmanned aerial vehicle.
Unmanned and unmatched, the Bell V-247 Vigilant goes above and beyond, ofering you autonomous flight capabilities that are flexible, modular, and lethal. Mission commanders can re-task payloads and sensors in real time while the autonomous flight …
A viable, near-term solution, the Bell V-247 Vigilant offers the flexibility of tiltrotor. This means runway independence and extended Time on Station to provide up to 24 hours* of on-station performance. With the capability to meet evolving challenges on the sea or over land, trust in the V-247 Vigilant to perform any Group 5 UAS mission.
Bell V-247 Vigilant Specs, Engine, and Price
The Bell V-247 Vigilant is powered by a turboshatf engine which produces a power output of 4,410 kW. The engine drives two three-bladed angled rotors. This unmanned helicopter can fly with a long cruising speed of 460 km / h, endurance speed of 333.36 km / h and a maximum speed of more than 560 km / h with maximum continuous power.
倾转旋翼无人机:美海军陆战队未来作战装备(Bell V-247 …
2019年4月4日 · Bell V-247 Vigilant是由德事隆子公司Bell Helicopter开发的新型多角度倾转旋翼无人机(UAV),以满足美国海军陆战队(USMC)的未来需求。 Bell Helicopter于2016年9月公布了V-247 Vigilant倾转旋翼无人机的设计。
Bell V-247 Vigilant Tilt-rotor Unmanned Aircraft System - Naval …
2016年10月11日 · The Bell V-247 Vigilant is a new multi-role tilt-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) being developed by Textron subsidiary Bell Helicopter to meet the future requirements of the US Marine Corps (USMC).
未来空中杀手:V-247倾转旋翼无人机 - 搜狐
2018年9月26日 · 由于美国海军陆战队希望推进其多功能,垂直降落和起飞能力的无人机计划(即MUX),贝尔公布了其V-247 Vigilant无人倾斜转子的全新模型。 在该服务自己的一个基地的技术博览会上。 该公司一直在积极推广该设计作为MUX项目的选择,但它采用模块化设计,可以吸引其他美国和外国军事服务。 Bell于2018 年9月25日在弗吉尼亚州海军陆战队基地匡蒂科举行的2018年现代海洋博览会上首次向公众展示了全尺寸模型。 该公司首先宣布它正在研究V-247设 …
Bell V-247 Vigilant - GlobalSecurity.org
The Bell V-247 Vigilant unmanned system will combine unparalleled capability with unprecedented flexibility to execute a wide array of missions, including ISR, escort, or persistent fire missions...
Bell V-247 Vigilant - Helis.com
First unveiled on August 2016, the V-247 is an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) tiltrotor proposed to be used by the U.S. Marines. The Vigilant is a single-engine sea-based platform capable to operate from frigate type ships with a 250 knots cruise speed at a 450 nautical miles distance in a 11 hours long mission.
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