Bell X-14 - Wikipedia
The Bell X-14 (Bell Type 68) is an experimental VTOL aircraft flown in the United States in the 1950s. The main objective of the project was to demonstrate vectored thrust horizontal and …
How NASA's Unconventional Bell X-14 Almost Landed in the …
2023年3月21日 · With ungainly proportions, Beechcraft wings and tail surfaces, and a primitive flight control computer strapped to the nose, the Bell X-14 was a decidedly unconventional X …
Bell X-14: Little Known Gateway To The Moon | JetAv Blog
This week I had occasion to stumble across the only surviving Bell X-14. In fact, it was the solitary unit built. A special mission test bed (the only X series without a canopy), it became the basic …
Bell Model 68 X-14 - VTOL aircraft - aviastar.org
The X-14 was an open-cockpit mid-wing monoplane of all-aluminium construction. It was powered by two 707kg Armstrong Siddeley Viper 8 axial-flow turbojets mounted horizontally side-by …
Bell X-14 (Type 68) Experimental VTOL Aircraft - Military Factory
2018年8月24日 · To expedite construction and development of the vehicle, the Bell team delivered a rather gangly-looking aircraft that featured an open-air cockpit, long landing gear …
Bell X-14 - Vertical Flight Society
Built under a US Air Force contract, the X-14 used a planar array of diverter vanes to vector the exhaust of two Armstrong Siddeley ASV8 Viper engines (1,750 lb thrust each) at the center of …
Neil Armstrong in NASA Ames' Bell X-14 Aircraft - NASA
2016年8月5日 · Neil A. Armstrong is photographed in the cockpit of the Ames Bell X-14 aircraft at NASA's Ames Research Center. Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, was born in …
Bell’s X-14 VTOL Prototype Aircraft That Actually Worked
2023年1月12日 · In the mid-1950s, after initial experiments into jet-powered vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) technology with the use of Model 65 ATV, Bell designed a more sophisticated …
Bell X-14 (Type 68) - War Wings Daily
The Bell X-14 (Type 68) was an experimental aircraft designed and built by Bell Aerospace in the 1950s to explore vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) capabilities.
Bell X-14 (Type 68): Photos, History, Specification
Bell Aircraft developed the Model 68 for testing by the United States Air Force (USAF) and NASA in the 1950s, with the goal of using a vector thruster to provide the lift needed to take off, land, …