BEM Battery coding - Ross-Tech Forums
2021年10月11日 · Whether to code or not after a battery change is widely discussed on many UK car forums. The conclusion that appears to be generally reached it that IF the battery type and …
New Varta Battery Where is the BEM Code? - AudiWorld Forums
2014年3月7日 · A4 (B8 Platform) Discussion - New Varta Battery Where is the BEM Code? - Hello Everyone, Helping another fellow B8 Audier and he just got a new battery from the …
BEM/BMS Battery Coding Reverse Engineering - AudiWorld
2019年3月19日 · VAG-COM Discussion - BEM/BMS Battery Coding Reverse Engineering - Recently changed the battery in my A5 and I observed some peculiarities with using any serial …
Battery replacement with Audi/VW Enertec battery VCDS
2016年6月22日 · after the fourth # is the date code: so, 25091038 (MMDDYY) To Create the BEM code: 1 - JCB (Last String first 3 characters), 2 - Date code in reverse order YY DD MM so …
Audi Battery Faulty Readings (BEM Code = Shelf life of the battery ...
2017年2月13日 · BEM code (Actual): 4F0915105E JCB4C1127R08V New coding: 000915105DH JCB 301216R08V (Format: NNNNNNNNNNN JCB DDMMYYSSSS; Where: N=Part # (Take …
Varta 95AH BEM code help - AudiWorld Forums
2024年10月16日 · A6 / S6 (C6 Platform) Discussion - Varta 95AH BEM code help - Good morning forum, I'm hoping someone could help me, as we know new varta batterys don't come with the …
Coding a new non-VAG battery? - AudiWorld Forums
2018年4月5日 · There's absolutely no reason--beyond arrogance--that they couldn't just enter the BEM code from a battery they already had in stock, or had in any other car on the lot. …
Need BEM Code for H8 AGM Battery? - AudiWorld Forums
2021年3月18日 · Just realized I used a BEM code sourced from a wet-cell H8 battery (Duralast Gold H8), and not the AGM version of the H8 battery. My understanding is the battery mgmt …
Bem code for Bosch 95ah 850a agm battery? - AudiWorld
2020年7月9日 · Bem code for Bosch 95ah 850a agm battery? A8 / S8 (D3 Platform) Discussion Discussion forum for the D3 Audi A8 produced from 2003-2010 and Audi S8 produced from …
Battery BEM Coding on A4 B8 - Ross-Tech Forums
2022年12月26日 · The BEM code / Audi part number and changing the serial number were the only things that mattered. The Vender code did not change anything. The Vender code did not …